Goodbye, One For All...

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As the heroes were outside surrounding the building, Ryan and All Might smashed the building open capturing some of the villains until Isaac teleported them out to a broken battlefield causing the heroes to rush them. All Might fought Isaac for a while but it was difficult since he had multiple quirks. After about 4-5 hours, All Might kept pushing his limit until he became all skinny. But luckily All Might used all his power left to attack Isaac. He isn't alone Ryan said, as Ryan and All Might charged at Isaac, both punching him destroying his breathing mask and knocking him out cold. After the police captured him, All Might could only become muscular for 1 hour a day. Was still useful just not enough. Ryan had the fear of falling apart because he wasn't a good enough hero. Joey had spotted Ryan knocked out on the battlefield so he used rain dancer to get to him as fast as possible, to carry him back to the dorm and all might. 

After resting for a while, Ryan thought of an idea. What if he used his DNA to give it to All Might restoring his full potential. He then tried it and it worked! It was as if he never fought Isaac. 

*Ryan's Pov*

I was glad to have All Might back after that fight. I thought he wasn't going to make it but he did! Now he can continue to train me! After some time I decided it was time to use One For All responsibly instead of using it to break bones. After gaining FULL control he didn't break another bone. But All Might did because he had to restart the training. After 10 months he gained control again!

*To be continued...*

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