Chapter 3:Revenge

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-Your POV-

You were sweating nervously at your seat as the best detective in town was glaring at you.

"Give it back,Y/Ranpo ordered,not very happy.

"I-I...uhhh...D-don't know what youre talking about" You stuttered,trying to think of an excuse.

"Uhuh,then,why is one of my snacks missing?" Ranpo asked,raising a brow on you.

Anime Gods.....Help me T^T

"U-uuummmm...a.. it!..Yes!..A squirrel took it!" You stated,smiling nervously.

He's gonna kill me....

"You're bad at lying,Y/n"Ranpo chuckled,getting something from his pocket.

"You're the one who stole it,weren't you?" Ranpo asked,moving his face closer to yours.

"N-no.." You stuttered,blushing at his actions.

"Who's hairpin is this then?" Ranpo asked,waving your flower hairpin in front of your face.

'Noooooooooo!He got my hairpin!'You cursed yourself for being too careless last night.

"T-thats umm..."




"T-thats Kunikida-san's!" You shouted,avoiding eye contact.

"Kunikida-san's?" Ranpo's stated,confused.

Because of you,Ranpo walked over to Kunikida,showing him your flower hairpin.

I'm gonna get killed by two people.....

The two of them chatted for a while.Few minutes later,A grinning Ranpo and a pissed off Kunikida approached you.
(A/n:Youre gonna die,goodluck:3)

"So this is mine huh?" Kunikida asked,waving your little hairpin around.

"U-uhhhh.....Y-yes?" You were unsure of what to say.

"Hmm then......" Kunikida paused for a while before he continued.

"Its mine now" Kunikida stated,walking a way from you.

You started to panic.

"Noooooooooo!" You shouted trying to reach for you hairpin,it was no use.

You were too short.

Ranpo was at the corner grinning.He whispered something:



Short chapter again!


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