Chapter 4:Kidnapping

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-3rd Person POV-

The rest of the week went on and Ranpo continued his 'revenge' on you.

Because of that,you spent most of your time chasing the childish detective around the office.Little did you know,someone was not happy about it.

-Your POV-

"Aish that boy!" You panted,sitting down at your seat.

"You look like you went on a marathon,Y/n-chan" Kyouka stated and you hugged her....


"Y-y/n-chan....too tight" Kyouka muttered and you smiled embarrassingly.

"Gomen" You stated,rubbing the back of your neck.

-Ranpo's POV-

"Time to bother Y/n" I whispered to myself as I walk towards her desk.

"Hey Y/n-" I was cutted off by someone.

"Y/n,Come with me~" Dazai stated,dragging Y/n away from me.

I saw their figures grow smaller as they got further.


I wonder where they are going...

-Dazai's POV-

I decided to pull Y/n away from the detective,she spents too much time with him,I can't take it anymore.

"Eh?Are you okay,Dazai-kun?"Y/n asked,smiling gently at me.

How cute~

"You spend too much time with Ranpo-kun"I pouted and Y/n gigled at my statement.

"I'm your best friend you know"I stated and acted hurt.

"Alright then,come with me" Y/n suggested, waiting for my answer.


"I have a mission later and I want you to come with me to make up the time that I haven't hang out with you~"Y/n stated,smiling.

I smiled and nodded at her suggestion.

-Your POV-

"Dazai-kun,fasterrrrrrr" You whined while attempting to drag the bandaged-male with you.

"Later~Im too lazy" Dazai whined back,leaning to his chair.

You pouted.

"AISH!MOVE YOU BANDAGED DUMMY OR ELSE IM GOING ALONE!"You shouted and the bandaged-male immedietly shot up.

" alright alright"

-At The Port Mafia-

You and Dazai were at the Port Mafia because of you mission.

And guess what your mission is?

Mission:Capture Akutagawa

"Y/n- chan,what's you mission anyways??" Dazai asked,keeping his voice down.

"To capture Akutagawa" You calmly stated and Dazai was shook.

"Akutagawa??As in the boy that wants my praise that much?" Dazai asked,you rolled your eyes at the nickname.

"Yes, as in the boy that wants your praise that much" You stated and a familiar black(and a little bit of white :3) haired male entered the room.

"Y/n?Dazai?" Akutagawa stated confused and you mentally facepalmed cause he saw you two already.

"Akutagawa-kuuunn~" You chirped and hugged the male.

-Akutagawa's POV-

I can feel Dazai's murderous aura grown bigger....

"Y/n,let me go" I stated but she hugged me tighter.

"Whyyy?Didn't you miss me??"
Y/n asked,pretending to be hurt.

Dazai-san is gonna kill me if this continues...

"No" I simply stated and Y/n let go of me while pouting.

Dazai's aura returned to normal

"Can you do me a favor,Akutagawa-kun?" Y/n asked,smiling embarrassingly.


"Can you let me kidnap you?"


Did I just hear her correctly?

I gave her a 'what the heck' look.





"Pleaseee" Y/n begged using her 'puppy eyes'.


That won't work on me

T-that won't w-

I shook my head,trying to get rid of the thought to agree with her.

"S-still no"I stated,looking away.

After minutes of Y/n failing to make me say 'yes',the side of the wall suddenly broke because of an orange head.


-Your POV-

Knowing who it was,you stepped in front of the bandaged-male to protect him.

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