Chapter 3

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Marinette scurried her way through the park. She had found exactly what she needed for the dress. A courier had arrived early in the morning with the fabrics, and it was the most beautiful she had ever seen. Shimmering and delicate, it was everything she imagined. She felt like a real designer, working on a special order commission for Gabriel. She smiled to herself at the thought. It was a glorious spring day, and people were enjoying their Saturday morning in the park. Children were playing, families were picnicking and young lovers were following clues to find André's ice cream. As Marinette soaked up the warm sun on her face, she continued to indulge in her little fantasy. A cute corner office, days surrounded by fabric and ribbons and amazing embellishments. Maybe even long lunches with Adrien...


Marinette was awoken from her daydream by what sounded like a strangled whisper. Stopping dead in her tracks, she looked around but couldn't see anyone.


Straining her eyes down an alleyway she just made out a blonde fringe and a pair of green eyes peeking out above some empty boxes. "Adrien?"

"Shhhh." He held a finger to his lips and motioned her to come over before dropping back down behind the boxes.

Confused, Marinette walked behind the boxes to find a wide eyed Adrien crouched on the ground. "What happened? Are you ok?" Concern was written all over her face as she crouched down in front of him.

"The new advertising came out today to promote the charity auction." His voice low as he kept darting looks down the alley. "Everyone has gone totally crazy! This is way worse than the perfume advert a few years ago."

With her mind having been so focused on the dress, Marinette didn't even remember about the advertising launch. She wondered what must have been whipping his fans into such a frenzy. Marinette remembered the perfume advertisement well. She and Adrien ran practically all over the city trying to hide from his crazed fans, with her in her pajamas no less! One thing was for sure though, she couldn't leave him here like this.

"My house is literally in the next street. I'll make sure the coast is clear and you can hide out there." Adrien nodded and waited as Marinette looked around at the alley entrance. She waved him up and looking both ways they emerged out into the street and started making their way towards the bakery.

"There he is!" Came a screech in the distance.

Without a second thought Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand and ran. Once such an action would have sent her into a muddled garble of goo, but this was an emergency. They ran towards the bakery with Marinette shoving Adrien unceremoniously through the door, still holding his hand. Marinette realised and went to let go, but Adrien tightened his grip. He liked the security of it and she wasn't going to pull away. Marinette's parents, Tom and Sabine, turned with a start at the commotion coming through the door. Sabine was immediately concerned at Adrien's panicked expression. "Marinette, Adrien, is everything all right?"

"There are crazies chasing Adrien all over the city, can he hide here for a while?"

Tom nodded and pointed upstairs. "Go up into the house. The crazies won't get past me." He gave a dramatic superhero pose causing the two teens to laugh as they made their way upstairs to Marinette's room.

Moments later they could hear voices down below as Tom booted out the fans saying Adrien wasn't there. They looked at each other with a sigh of relief.

"I'm so sorry to have put your family on the spot like this, but I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't walked past." Marinette began to giggle. Adrien looked at her curiously as the giggling began to take her whole body over. He couldn't help being taken over by the infectiousness of it. "What?" His laughter unsure, as she struggled to get any words out.

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