Chapter 6

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Marinette told her mother she would be staying behind after school to do some research in the Library. In reality, she made her way down to the unassuming Chinese Masseuse shopfront where Master Fu resided. After knocking, the elder Chinaman in his familiar hola shirt welcomed her in, turning around the closed sign before following. His turtle Kwami, Wayzz, greeted Marinette warmly before embracing Tikki and setting off for the kitchen. Master Fu motioned for Marinette to take a seat, pouring her a cup of Chinese herbal tea, and asking what was troubling her.

"Master, isn't it strange that there has suddenly been a drop in the number of akumas in the last few months? Don't get me wrong, it's not like I enjoy having to deal with them, but could it be that Hawk Moth is preparing for an even greater attack and is trying somehow to put us off, or catch us off guard?" Master Fu stoked his beard as he considered her words, then slowly shook his head.

"Wayzz has felt a disturbance in Nooroo's aura. I fear that the prolonged use of the Butterfly Miraculous for evil purposes is beginning to take a toll on poor Nooroo and may even be adversely affecting Hawk Moth as well. If Hawk Moth continues to try and use a damaged Miraculous, his own health will become severely affected."

Marinette's eyes widened with realisation. "Is that why the akuma's connection to Hawk Moth suddenly dropped? Nooroo was unable to sustain the transformation?" Master Fu nodded his head. "So what now? Does this mean it's over?"

"The Butterfly and the Peacock Miraculous are still not in the Miracle Box. Even if Hawk Moth was to give up creating akumas, or even die himself, they are still at risk of being lost or stolen by someone else. We still have to find who Hawk Moth is and recover Nooroo and Duusuu so I can heal them." Master Fu spoke with a disparaging voice. The concern for the missing Kwamis was evident, as well as the guilt he felt for the fate Nooroo and Duusuu have found themselves in.

"Don't worry Master, we won't give up on them." Marinette gently patted Master Fu on the hand and he nodded in acknowledgement. "I'm seeing Chat Noir tomorrow night, is it ok if I tell him what we have talked about?"

"Do you trust him Marinette?"

Marinette was surprised by the question, but did not hesitate in her answer. "Yes Master, completely. I trust him with my life. Why? Is something wrong."

"Not at all Marinette. If you trust him, you may tell him. You do not need to keep secrets from one another." Master Fu looked at Marinette in a way she found confusing, but she didn't have time to question it further as her mother was texting her asking when she would be finished at the library.

After Marinette had departed, Wayzz floated over to Master Fu. "You do not want to tell her your suspicions about Hawk Moth?"

"It is still only a suspicion Wayzz, and one we have had before. I have no proof. I do not believe Chat Noir knows anything and if she trusts him then I trust her judgement."

"Are you sure it's only trust Master?" Wayzz and Master Fu gave each other a sideways glance.

Master Fu smiled to himself, remembering a certain day in the rain after he had chosen his Ladybug and Chat Noir. "If they can learn to love both sides of the mask, then they will be able to survive anything. Those two are made for each other, and when the time comes, Chat Noir will need her more than ever"

Everyone met at the school bright and early Saturday morning. Alya, knowing how hard it usually was for Marinette to get going in the morning, came to collect her with a large coffee at the ready. To her surprise, Marinette wasn't as big of a zombie as she usually was. Maybe the thought of a certain blonde boy being there today was enough to get her motivated.

Principal Damocles had given permission for the students to use the school grounds for a working bee. Adrien and Nino met the girls on the stairs of the school where Adrien offered to carry the box Marinette seemed to have been struggling with. It turned out that the box was filled with masks and costume piece that needed painting and finishing off for the Kitty Section 'Cats' segment. Adrien stood back and marveled at how Marinette took charge, delegating jobs and getting everyone to work. No wonder she was voted class representative every year. Alix, Marc and Nathaniel were in charge of set design, Ivan, Rose and Juleka went with Luka into one of the music rooms to rehearse, Kim was assisting Max and his robot Markov on sound and technical while herself, Mylene, Alya, Nino and Adrien began painting the masks. Marinette was eternally grateful that Lila had excused herself from the working bee by faking a cruise on the Seine with Prince Ali. How anyone could have believed that story had Marinette totally baffled.

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