Chapter 9

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The darkness was only temporary, before lights began to flicker back on and the back up generators kicked in. Moments later, Nathalie entered the dining room with her tablet in hand. Marinette wondered when the poor woman ever got to sleep.

"Sir, Mayor Bourgeois has made a public announcement that due to the severe storm and some localised flooding, citizens are being asked to keep off the roads tonight. I'm afraid I am unsure how we are going to get Miss Dupain-Cheng home and it is getting quite late."

Gabriel was the kind of man who liked to have everything planned in detail, everything under control. The weather, however, was one variable he had not planned on. "Under the circumstances, perhaps Marinette should stay here for the night. Is the guest room available?" Marinette froze in her seat, eyes wide and face flushed. She was trying to get her head around the fact Gabriel Agreste was offering for her to stay the night in the same house as Adrien.

"The guest room is not in a position to be used at the moment Sir and there is no linen on the bed. Unfortunately, the domestic staff had already left for the night some time ago due to the weather."

"Marinette can stay in my room." Adrien volunteered. "She can have my bed, and I'll sleep on my couch." Scratch that last thought, make that the same ROOM as Adrien.

As red as Marinette knew she must have been turning, she couldn't help but be flattered by the obvious chiverary of Adrien in his offer. "Adrien, no, I can't take your bed off you. I'll sleep on the couch. Besides I'm shorter and will fit more easily."

Gabriel closed his eyes in contemplation pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. This was far from an ideal situation, however, he couldn't very well risk sending the girl home in a storm. Adrien waited with bated anticipation on his response. "Very well. Marinette, if you would like to go with Nathalie she will contact your parents and explain the situation. Nathelie, perhaps you can locate something suitable for Marinette to sleep in."

As Marinette left with Nathalie, Gabriel called his son over to him. Adrien wasn't sure if he was in some kind of trouble, his father's usual stony expression as always was unreadable. "Adrien... " Gabriel cleared his throat, feeling unexpectedly uncomfortable. "Given the unique situation and sleeping arrangements tonight I have to ask, what is Marinette to you?"

Almost on muscle memory, Adrien was about to say she's just a friend, but the words died in his mouth before he could utter them. He knew his father was an intelligent man so there was no point lying about it. 

"Honestly father, I think I might be falling for her." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. It seemed strange to say it out loud, to his father of all people, and yet it felt so right. In a way it was a relief. He could finally admit to himself that he liked Marinette, and if Chloe was right, she felt the same way about him. The thought of that made him feel all warm inside. He was in deep, there was no point denying it anymore. "Actually, I don't think I have. I know I have." Gabriel took note of the sincere look in his son's face.

"I'm not entirely surprised to hear you say that given what I have seen between the two of you tonight." Gabriel let out a slightly defeated sigh. Meticulous planning seemed to now be a thing of the past. "I don't... disapprove of your choice." The hard expression on his face softened slightly. Adrien almost thought he could see a smile playing at the corners of that hardened expression. "Marinette appears to be an exceptional young lady with a bright future ahead of her, however," Gabriel tilted his head forwards looking over his glasses, "I expect you tonight to behave as the gentlemen you have been brought up to be, is that understood?"

Adrien swallowed hard, his face flushed from the implications of his father's words. "Yes Father, of course."

"Also, there is school tomorrow and the hour is already late. Make sure you both get adequate sleep." Adrien simply nodded in response, his brain still catching up to the fact that his father had all but endorsed Marinette as being more than a friend in his life. Could it really be so!

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