Chapter 14

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Gabriel sat up in his bed, thankful that after a week in the hospital he was finally home and in his own room. He smiled to himself as he allowed Marinette to fuss over him, giving him extra pillows and making sure he was comfortable. While he had been in the hospital, Marinette came many times with and without Adrien, to keep Gabriel company, bringing pastries from the bakery and sharing some of her sketchbook designs. Gabriel could see why Adrien loved her croissants so much - they really were the best in Paris. He also understood why his son loved the girl. Ladybug was not an enemy, she stood for justice and truth. Marinette and Ladybug represented everything that was right and good in the world, something that was pure and wholesome, like Emilie. Watching Adrien with her, Gabriel became acutely aware that his son was every bit the same as his mother. He might be they welder of destruction, but he knew when to use it for the right purpose. Gabriel couldn't help the feeling of awe and pride at the fact that such a power had been placed in the hands of a then 15 year old. He had underestimated his son and he remembered back to the many compliments that Marinette had said about him that night of the storm. Adrien deserved more than what he had given him credit for and it was something he intended to remedy.

"Adrien, Marinette, come sit with me a moment. I would like to discuss something with you." Adrien pulled over a chair while Marinette sat on the edge of the bed. Nathalie, who had been passing by, was also beckoned into the room.

"Over the last week I've had a lot of time to think." He closed his eyes momentarily before continuing. "I've realised quite a bit about myself that I am not proud of." He looked over at Adrien. "Son, I need to apologise to you. When your mother disappeared I was not there for you physically or emotionally. A lot of mistakes were made and I didn't know how to deal with the situation which led to some bad choices on my part. My actions, and more importantly inaction..." Gabriel struggled to find the right words. Emotional expression had never been his strong point but it was important now. "I let you suffer for it. I was wrong to try and shut you away in this house and try to control your life. Despite everything, you have excelled at school and still committed to everything your tight schedule threw at you. You are well liked by your peers and you found someone who complements you both personally and professionally. I am so proud of the man you are and I want to try and repair the damage I have caused to our relationship... if it's not too late."

Marinette and Adrien both had tears in their eyes as Adrien rose from his seat. Wrapping his arms around the older man, he let the tears fall as Marinette placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's never too late father." He said looking into the older man's gaze. Gabriel nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips and a softness in his eyes.

"Adrien, once the school year is completed and you have graduated, I would like you to work with the team that is spearheading our expansion into Shanghai. Nathalie will assist you. You will need to start learning the ropes of the company so that you can assume more of the responsibilities that I will no longer be able to do." Adrien stared at his father in disbelief, turning to Marinette to confirm she heard the same. The pure excitement in her face told him that she did.

"Father, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I will have Nathalie scale back some of your other commitments to free up some time for you to spend at the office as well time for Marinette. I would like for you to be involved with some modeling as you are still considered the face of the company, but I will not force you to if you really don't want to." Adrien grinned like a Cheshire Cat. Gabriel could see clearly the Chat Noir in his son that he had missed all along.

"As long as there is no more swimsuits or underwear then I'm all good, okay?" Gabriel nodded in agreement before turning his attention to Marinette. She was surprised when Gabriel picked up her hand holding it in both of his.

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