Chapter 1

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Fastening an earring onto your ear, you tilt your head to the side and consider yourself in the mirror. It is not often that you dress up – hell, you cannot even remember the last time you did. Lena begged you to come out tonight, though; begged for your attendance at the party Taehyung is throwing and who are you, to deny your best friend.

"Come with me," she whined, voice rising over the phone. "It's just for one night – one night won't kill you!"

"It might," you said, a kernel of truth to your words. You both knew who Lena was dating – and you both knew what he was capable of. "Who knows what your crazy boyfriend has up his sleeve?" you muttered into the phone.

"Taehyung's not like that," Lena insisted. Rustling noises filled the background, sounding a lot like chips as she paused. "Well, not anymore."

"Right," you snorted. "I'm sure you can just walk out of Bangtan whenever you want, right? They gift you with severance and a keychain on the way out, hm?"

"Y/N," Lena hissed. "Don't say things like that – what if someone overheard?"

And there was the problem. "I hate being worried someone might overhear," you scowled, obediently lowering your voice to stare into the mirror. "Is my phone being tapped, or something?"

Though you knew you were agitated, it could not be helped. It was impossible not to worry when your best friend was dating a member of the most notorious mafia on the west coast. Gaze flicking down, you considered which would be least conspicuous – pink lipstick, or red.

"You're not being tapped," Lena sighed, sounding further away. Likely, she was also doing her make-up and had set her phone on the counter. "Look," she said, pausing her spiel. "Pretend you don't know what they are, okay? I know that you're worried. I don't blame you. It's my life though, okay? You're just a bystander, Y/N. You know nothing."

"Right. A bystander who attends Bangtan parties," you laughed, pulling off the top of your bright red lipstick. Conspicuous or not, it was what you felt comfortable in.

Lena snorted. "Yeah, yeah. It'll be fun, I promise. Besides – I'll be there, beside you the entire time."

With a nod, you began coloring your lips. Pursing them once, you sighed at your reflection. "Fine, but you better. I'll never forgive you, Len, if you leave me."

"Trust me," she insisted, returning the phone to her ear. "What could go wrong?"

"I fucking hate Lena," you mutter to yourself.

You stand alone, near the bar, sliding fingers over your dress and trying to pretend you fit in. Trying, being the operative word because you clearly do not. This is made increasingly more difficult without your phone for distraction. All electronic devices were confiscated at the door, phones included.

This is just a taste of what Bangtan is like; the security measures they have in place to ensure their privacy. There are several mafia groups on the west coast, but few more dangerous, or notorious as Bangtan. Led by their leader, Kim Namjoon, they are undoubtably the most feared group in the area. Namjoon is an uncertain character himself – he learned the business from his father, who disappeared years ago under mysterious circumstances no one cares to discuss.

Then, there is Namjoon's right-hand man. Kim Seokjin. Seokjin is the face of the organization, if you will – incredibly beautiful with flawless skin and dark, almond-shaped eyes. You glance at him now, drinking in the man's beauty, but once you realize you are staring, look quickly away. It does not do to dwell on Kim Seokjin, since he is entirely unattainable. Devoted only to his job, and whichever woman happens to be in his bed for the night.

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