Chapter 2

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"No," you respond, automatic. Head spinning, you take a shaky step backwards. "No, this is Jungkook. You said he was a member of the police, Taehyung."

Taehyung's upper lip curls. "Not only that," he grins, as though you have said nothing. "Y/N slept with you, Kookie, because of a bet owed to me." When he laughs, it displays blindingly white teeth. "A debt she's now free and clear from, though – thanks to you," he says, clapping Jungkook on the back.

Shaking out of his grip, Jungkook surveys Taehyung coldly. "What did you tell her about me?" he repeats, his tone dangerous. "Tell me what you told her."

Jungkook does not address the bet, but the lines around his mouth tighten. It seems he does not wish to discuss this yet – you cannot blame him for that.

Smirking lightly, Taehyung presses a finger to Jungkook's chest. "Relax," he says, arching a brow. "Look how well this all turned out for you."

Though Jungkook's expression is stoic, the air between them has thickened. "You had no fucking right," Jungkook mutters, stepping forward. "You had no right to say anything, do anything to her."

Eyes widening, you stare. It seems ridiculous for Jungkook to be sticking up for you right now. As Taehyung just explained to him, you lied. When you approached Jungkook, you pretended it was about him when in reality, it was about you and your debt. Everything after was true, but the rest was a lie. It makes your stomach sick just to think about.

The only reason you approached him was due to the debt – but then you realize something, freezing in place. Jungkook was not the only person lied to last night.

"Taehyung," you mutter, staring hard at the member. "Why the fuck did you tell me Jungkook was a cop? If you knew who he was, why did you lie about it? Why... why ask me to make him leave at all?"

Taehyung leans one shoulder to the wall. "I thought it'd be amusing," he shrugs, grin broadening. "As it turns out – I was right."

Jungkook growls, taking a step forward – until you thrust out a hand, fingertips grazing his chest. It is not worth it for them to get in a fight. Not when Jungkook has done nothing wrong. He freezes, gaze almost hesitant as he assesses your touch.

Seeing Jungkook like this, Taehyung lets out a whistle. "W-ow," he drawls, pulling out the word. "Looks like you've got the kid whipped, Y/N."

That is it. Taehyung has shredded your last semblance of patience. Shrugging, you step out of Jungkook's way. He smiles, lunging forward and you do nothing to stop him.

Grabbing Taehyung by the front of his robes, Jungkook hoists him up on the wall – his face is taut, eyes dark. "I would consider your next words carefully," Jungkook says. "Think hard before spurting whatever vomit you usually spew from your mouth."

To your surprise, Taehyung does not respond. He glares hard at Jungkook, clenching his jaw – but says nothing.

Slowly, you step forward. "I – okay," you exhale, reaching out. "Jungkook, let him down."

Now, Jungkook looks at you. "Are you sure?" he says, adjusting his grip. "I might be the least known member of Bangtan, Y/N, but I'm the one no one dares cross." His ensuing smile is grim.

When Taehyung does not correct this, you realize it must be true. Usually, Taehyung always has a smart remark at his bidding. Seeing him speechless is unnerving, at best.

"Let go," you repeat, still glaring at Taehyung. "He may be an idiot, but Lena would kill me if anything serious happened to him."

With an apathetic shrug, Jungkook opens his hands. Taehyung's feet hit the ground, whirling to angrily disentangle himself from his robe. "Thanks," Taehyung mutters, giving you a curt nod. "I'll just let the two of you... talk, then."

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