Chapter 7

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The door to your brother's room has barely fallen shut before Seokjin steps into view. "Y/N," he says, glancing over your shoulder. "We couldn't hear everything, just bits and pieces – are you okay?"

Though you nod, your hands remain frozen, numb from both conversation and shock. Your thoughts muddle, fixated on the memory of Jay's face at the end because you keep replaying the moment, saying you did not know him – you continue to see that flash of despair when you told him he left. Something crumbles inside you, something previously kept together by sheer force of will and when Jungkook sees your expression, he steps in between you and Seokjin.

"Y/N." Jungkook exhales, still for a moment. He reaches out, then seems to think better and lets his hands fall to his sides.

In a daze, you stare. "Jungkook," you say, his name dull on your lips.

Though he waits for you to continue, you cannot think of the words. After a moment of silence, Jungkook turns. "Seokjin," he says. "She shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have forced her into doing that – clearly, she wasn't ready. I," he exhales and in that moment, his gaze turns to fury. "Did you hear what he said?" Jungkook hisses. "That fucking asswipe, I'd like to –"

"Jungkook," you say, reaching out for his hand. "Don't."

He pauses mid-rant to glance down at your touch. "I just," Jungkook says, shaking his head. He looks up. "I just am sorry, Y/N."

His tone is guilty, which it should not be – you were the one who agreed to speak to Jay in the first place. It does not matter what your brother said, what parallels he drew between you and your mother; those were your brother's words, not his. Fingers intertwining with Jungkook's, your gaze moves to Seokjin.

"What did my brother say to you before?" you ask. This has been bothering you since your arrival.

Seokjin's expression falters. Just for a moment, but it is there. "I... what?" he says, responding too fast.

His hesitation is all that you need to take a step forward. "You heard me," you say, cocking your head. "Jay must have said something to make you call Jungkook so quickly. What did he say? What information did he have which made you cooperate?"

Seokjin does not immediately respond, letting you know you are right. There is something they keep from you; something to do with your brother and Bangtan that they do not want you to know.

"Seokjin?" Jungkook turns. "You heard Y/N. What did her brother say?"

Lips pressed together, Seokjin looks as though he wishes to throttle everyone in the hall. "He said... he knew," he says, the words simple.

To you, it means nothing but Jungkook's eyes widen. "He... he said he knew?"

"Who knows what?" you interrupt, gaze flashes. When Jungkook does not respond, it surprises you – by now, you thought you were past such deceit. "Are you serious?" you say, growing further impatient. "Is that really all you're going to say?"

Though Jungkook hesitates again, he closes his eyes. "It's not..." He stops, exhaling. "It's not something we can discuss openly."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," you say, prompting the two of them to jump. Yanking your hand out of Jungkook's, you walk over to Seokjin. "You can ask me for my help, but can't take five minutes to explain what I'm helping with?"

"It would take longer than five minutes," Seokjin mutters – and someone laughs from behind.

"Wow." Yoongi chuckles, stepping into the hall. "When Y/N puts it like that, you sound pretty shitty."

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