Chapter 4

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  Tiny drops of the sky fell into water droplets, gently pounding the ground with their presence. Rain pittered and pattered, their sounds stretching throughout the forest. Branchstalk felt a droplet fall onto his head, and he let it roll down his face, until it touched his nose. He looked at the droplet, as it finally rolled down and hit the ground. "It's chilly, huh?" Webbedfoot mewed, pressing besides Branchstalk. He nodded. "It's very cold. The rain isn't helping. This is shaping up to be a snow-less leafbare." He pointed out. Webbedfoot nodded. "I'm sorry to trouble you, but can you check to see if there's a leak in the den?" The elder asked, yawning. "I don't want any of us getting sick." Branchstalk nodded, getting to his paws and padding out the den. The rain poured on him, but he hardly cared. Branchstalk checked the den, and noticed a tiny hole in the roof. 

"There's a tiny hole," Branchstalk called to Webbedfoot. "It's simple to fix." He added. "Let the apprentices handle it!" Webbedfoot replied. Branchstalk trekked back into the den, sorting his herbs out. He didn't want to waste a single scrap. "I'll go tell Silvermoon about the hole." Webbedfoot stated. "I'll be back." Branchstalk nodded, staring at his collection. There might not be enough to get us through leafbare.. He thought, worry rising in his throat. If another cat dies on my paws, I'm going to loose it. 

He watched as Sparrowpaw and Whitepaw fixed the hole, Sparrowpaw giving Whitepaw a lift. Whitepaw was the smallest of his siblings, even smaller than Moonpaw. "Stop shaking Sparrowpaw!" Whitepaw called. "It's not my fault your fatter than a kittypet!" Sparrowpaw growled. "Hurry up!!!" The silver tom hissed. After a few more feeble strokes to the den, the apprentice seemed done. "There! It's done!" Whitepaw purred, and than fell over on his back with an oof as Sparrowpaw got up. "Finally! That was slower than a turtle crossing a thunderpath!" He complained. "You try being the shortest cat in the forest and than being told to fix a den!" Whitepaw snorted. 

Branchstalk pushed through the camp  entrance, seeing Silvermoon right there. He gazed at his sister, finally meeting her stare. "I have a surprise for you, close your eyes!" She purred. Surprised and puzzled, he followed directions, closing his eyes. "Follow me," Silvermoon mewed. Branchstalk followed his sister blindly, bumping into Bramblesight as he walked. "Sorry!!" He apologized to his brother, before scenting Silvermoon again and following her. "Where are we going?" Branchstalk asked. She didn't answer, and than came to a stop. "Open your eyes!" Silvermoon purred. Branchstalk opened his eyes, and saw a bramble den in front of him. A few rocks were outside, perfect for drying herbs. "H-How did you make this so fast?" Branchstalk asked. "Webbedfoot came up with the idea, and Bramblesight, Mossheart, Alan, Fireshine and I gathered everything and started putting it together. We tried to make it as big as possible, so you can take care of every sick cat that comes your way!" Silvermoon replied. Branchstalk looked at his sister with joy, entering the den to be surprised with Fireshine, Alan, and Mossheart leaping out at him. Branchstalk purred happily. Maybe everything would end up okay.

In his new den, he tended to Blossomkit and Foxkit's cough. Plumblossom was worriedly watching over them, as Blossomkit hacked up mucus. Branchstalk gave them some honey, and placed a paw on Foxkit's back. "They'll be fine. But they should stay in here for now." Branchstalk meowed. "Won't you get sick?" Plumblossom asked. He shrugged. "If I do I can treat myself." Branchstalk pointed out. The queen looked almost surprised he would say that. "AcornClan has an area just for sick cats, next to the medicine cat den." Plumblossom murmured. "Toadstar used to check on the sick kits and he would put on a silly show. It brightened their days." She smiled. "I remember when I had green cough as a kit and seeing him take down a fake dog. It was what I looked forward too." Branchstalk blinked as he looked at her. When he got a cold as a kit, Pebblepaw pretended to eat a rock, that was about all that got interesting. He glanced at Blossomkit and Foxkit as they cried as their mother left. "It'll be okay, we'll have fun." Branchstalk promised, leading them to their nest. The two kits looked doubtful and laid in their nests, trying to sleep. He felt bad. Branchstalk wished he was entertaining enough to keep them distracted from them missing their sibling and mother. But, all he could do was treat them kindly for now.  

A foggy sense filled his gaze as he looked around camp. Branchstalk blinked anxiously as he looked around the empty camp. There seemed to be an eerie presence surrounding the camp. A figure slowly started appearing before his eyes, and as he stared it down, he saw his father. "Tigerfang.." Branchstalk whispered, about to walk towards him. "Branchstalk, be prepared." He was confused. "What do you mean-" Branchstalk jolted awake, his eyes widening as he heard Silvermoon echo; "SnowClan's attacking!"  

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