Chapter 2

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The brittle ground cracked underneath Branchstalk's paws as he trekked to the Twoleg place. He had been finding herbs there, they weren't as strong but it was better than nothing. Branchstalk picked some marigold, feverfew and managed to scrap up some poppy seeds before he scrambled back into the forest. Branchstalk didn't want to drop any, but he knew he lost a couple on the journey home. Nerves bristled his pelt as he entered his burnt camp. Branchstalk sighed and padded into the elder's den. The medicine cat den collapsed when the tree fell on it. He organized his mini herb pile and stared at it blankly before sighing. He told Blazefur, Smalleye, Duskfoot, and Rowanflame to worry on the medicine cat den last, since it was only him staying in it. So he was moved to the least crowded den, the elder's den. He had Webbedfoot as good company, and often Branchstalk and him shared their grief of Lilacwither leaving AlderClan and allying with Redstar. Branchstalk just feel like a failure of a mentor, and Webbedfoot felt like a failure of a father. The two often tried to comfort each other but it mostly ended with them becoming silent as they held back their sorrows. "How was the search?" Webbedfoot asked. "I found some useful herbs.. Twistedleg is supposed to come and bring some herbs for me."  Branchstalk replied. "You've made yourself a good medicine cat friend." He purred. The medicine cat smiled weakly, before turning back to his herbs. What was he going to do?

Branchstalk waited by the border for Twistedleg. He kneaded the ground as he waited, feeling the crunch of the ground. Not only had the forest been burnt, but it was now leafbare. Twistedleg appeared, holding some wet vital herbs such as cranberry leaves and more catmint than Branchstalk could dream of. "Thank you so much Twistedleg! I don't think AlderClan could survive without you." He thanked mercilessly. Twistedleg just shrugged and handed him the herbs. "Are you going to attend the half-moon meeting?" He asked. Branchstalk nervously shifted. "Lilacwither is there.. and.. I'm afraid to face her." He murmured. Twistedleg licked his forehead gently. "It's your duty as AlderClan's lone medicine cat.. You need to communicate with StarClan or else they'll loose all hope.." He replied. "I won't force you to go, but I want you to know, if you do go, you're only helping your Clan." Twistedleg replied, before hopping off.

Branchstalk pushed through the bitter chill of the night air as he trekked to the Star Pool. He wanted to give his Clan as much hope as possible. Hopeful cats were healthy cats. Branchstalk entered the den and he couldn't help but shiver as he met eyes with his former apprentice. He sat close to Twistedleg and looked at him anxiously. "How is AcornClan?" Mousepaw asked. "Don't you mean SnowClan?" Lilacwither purred, staring down the apprentice. Mousepaw and his sister Windpaw used to be AlderClan cats, but Pebbleheart took them to StoneClan after the fire. Branchstalk couldn't blame her. At least Mousepaw looked healthy. "Y-Yeah.." He replied. "We're stronger than ever. Thanks to mine and Leafthorn's healing." His old apprentice purred in delight. Branchstalk just stayed silent. "Is Gingerleaf coming?" Larkflight asked. "He's sick. Very sick." Leafthorn shot down quickly, her voice pained as she clearly lied. But no cat questioned her. Leafthorn was the oldest medicine cat, Branchstalk respected her. But did that respect extend to her obeying Redstar's devious commands?

Branchstalk couldn't sleep, while the other medicine cats where huddled dreaming of StarClan, he laid there, wide eyed as he tried to sleep. He was afraid Lilacwither might try something to the other medicine cats. Larkflight was the first wake up and he shivered. "StarClan is silent.." he murmured. Branchstalk nodded, acting like he also had the dream. Once all the other medicine cats woke up, they discussed the dream for a bit before splitting ways. Branchstalk was glad to leave. He didn't want to see Lilacwither anymore. "Branchstalk," Twistedleg called. He turned around. "I know you didn't sleep. You can't let Lilacwither get to you. She chose her path.. whether it's good or not is up to debate. You need to chose your path too." Twistedleg replied. "Are you going to let her bother you, or are you going to push through and excel?" Branchstalk started at him. "I'll leave that up to you, Branchstalk.. Choose wisely."

Branchstalk sighed, checking up on Plumblossom's kits. Goldenkit leaped onto his brother, Foxkit, while Blossomkit chatted with Quailkit and Shinekit. Redkit was mostly solo, playing with her mother's tail. He dipped his head to the queens. "Are any of them catching ill?" He asked. Fireshine shook her head. "Shinekit's cough is gone." She mewed. "And Plumblossom's kits are fine as well. They're settling in nicely." Mosscloud chimed in. Plumblossom nodded. "Goldenkit loves it here." She purred. Branchstalk dipped his head. "Good. I hope you will all enjoy your stay." He mewed. 

Thrushwing was seen across the clearing, expressing his worries to his sister, Silvermoon. He stared at him, as Silvermoon looked serious and surprised by his news. Robinflight, however was chatting with Bearface, Rowanflame, and Hopfire. Branchstalk watched them, his tail flicking as Hopfire showed off Moonpaw. He smiled slightly. It was good to see at least some cats happy in AlderClan.. Moonpaw seemed to be enjoying the time as well. Good, He thought. Her and her siblings have been through so much. They deserve a break.

Multistar looked down at the gathered cats, and Branchstalk gazed up at him, scanning. Silvermoon sat underneath the rock, in front of everyone else. Her gaze was much like before, serious. What had happened? "Cats of AlderClan, Thrushwing has informed us of SnowClan's situation. Many cats have been held prisoner for unknown reasons. He requested we help free them, but with our own needs, I say we do nothing for now. They haven't messed with us, so why mess with them?" Multistar informed. Branchstalk's whiskers twitched. But no one else seems to be helping them! He thought desperately. "I disagree." Darkeye spoke. "You've always been soft on Redstar. No matter what he did, how he did it, you always favored him. Even over your own family." He growled. Branchstalk was surprised, and so was the rest of the Clan. "What.. What do you mean?" Silvermoon asked, clearly trying to cut the tension. "He means, soon, SnowClan will take out all of AlderClan like a kit stepping on an ant hill if we don't do something!" Webbedfoot growled. "Because of Redstar my son and mate are dead! Because of him my daughter left AlderClan to be a no good scoundrel! I'm tired of loosing everything to that.. that loner!" He cried. Webbedfoot limped towards the front of the crowd, before falling over. Branchstalk rushed over. He checked for a pulse and found one easily. The poor tom was exhausted. "I see your points.. but you must understand.. There's no point in killing ourselves for vengeance!" Multistar called. 

"Multistar's right!" Silvermoon replied. "I promise, when we are strong enough, we'll set your clan-mates free, Thrushwing. But for now, we must gain strength and think of ourselves." She promised the pale tabby tom. He nodded. "Meeting dismissed." She announced. Branchstalk dragged Webbedfoot back to the elder's den, where he let the tom rest. What was happening to his Clan?

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