Chapter 7

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Chilling frost filled the nose of Silvermoon as she awoke in her brother's den. She pressed her nose to her brother's room before she got up and stretched. She padded into the clearing to organize patrols. Silvermoon dipped her head to Bramblesight and Mossheart as they walked out of the warriors' den together, Hopfire following behind. "Can you three take Moonpaw out and help her with her hunting? I've seen she's got the hunting crouch wrong and I'm trying to fix it before she thinks that's how you hunt."

Hopfire nodded. "Got it." The tom replied, calling out Moonpaw. She left her den drowsily, yawning.

"Can Mistpaw and Spottedpaw come with?" She asked sleepily.

"No, we know how you three get during training." Mossheart mewed. "You get all sorts of talkative and scare away all of our good catches!"

Hopfire nodded with agreement. "Come on, it'll be fun." He smiled.

"Yeah, sure.." Moonpaw mumbled.

Silvermoon chuckled softly, turning to Bearface, Rowanflame, and Alan. "You three, patrol around the SnowClan border. Cricketwhistle and Dawnshine told me the other day that Thrushwing scented them across our border, and well.. the Hollyeyes situation.."

"You got it, Silverstar!! Er... Silvermoon!" Rowanflame purred confidently.

"Yeah! We'll take Robinwing with us!" Bearface added. Alan just nodded distantly. Poor tom, Silvermoon thought. Tigertooth... Tigerfire was his best friend.. Silvermoon turned to the other cats, organizing Darkeye, Mistpaw, Blazefur, Whitepaw, Duskfoot and Sparrowpaw into a hunting patrol.

"We'll be back before mid-day with this lack of prey," Darkeye stated. She dipped her head.

"Just.. try to come back with something. Anything helps." Silvermoon replied, flicking her tail.

"No one's going to come out of the woods to hurt us, right Mom?" Sparrowpaw asked, his ear flicking. Silvermoon touched noses with him.

"Everything will be alright, Sparrowpaw. I promise." She beamed gently at him. Sparrowpaw smiled and went with Duskfoot out of camp. She sighed. Silvermoon just wanted her kits to feel safe and happy.


Silvermoon sat in the sunniest, warmest spot there was, which was atop Highrock, as she relaxed. She needed time to herself to think. Silvermoon scanned the camp for anything interesting. Smalleye and Sweetrose were chatting with each other, keeping each other warm. Plumblossom was teaching Goldenkit that you should not dare you siblings to eat rocks, and Webbedfoot was talking with Mosscloud. She sighed, flicking her tail. Silvermoon rested her head on her paws and closed her eyes. She was so tired. A nap would help. Naps always help.

Something yanked on her tail and Silvermoon woke up with a hiss. She met eyes with Dustfur. Silvermoon scoffed. "A simple 'Wake up!' would've sufficed!" She yawned, stretching. 

"Sorry Silv," Dustfur apologized.

"Don't call me that." 

"S-Sorry Silvermoon," The tom coughed awkwardly. "Uhm.. I came here with Twistedleg because he wished to check-up on him and give more herbs.. and I only know you.." Dustfur explained, as his apprentice poked her head from behind. 

"Hello Silvermoon!" Creekpaw purred. Silvermoon sighed. 

"Who else is here?" Silvermoon asked. Dustfur sniffled and pointed his tail to Palepaw and Mousepaw who were bugging Branchstalk and Twistedleg. "Of course.." She sighed, hopping of the top of Highrock. 

"You seem in better shape than the last time we met," Dustfur tried to compliment. 

"I've been.. improving." Silvermoon meowed. Creekpaw was mesmerized by Silvermoon's face for some reason. "You seem in worse shape. Are you sick?" 

Dustfur nodded. "It's only a kitten cold. I'm alright." He purred pridefully. Creekpaw nodded.

"We're all sick in StoneClan!"

"Shhhhh!" Dustfur shushed his apprentice. 

"Don't worry Dustfur, we're all sick here too. There's no need to keep quiet if neither of our leaders have strength to fight." Silvermoon replied. 

Dustfur nodded. "True.." He cleared his throat. "But.. I came here to warn you as well.." 

"About what?" Silvermoon asked.

"About.. Redstar.." Dustfur murmured. "He invaded our camp, and.. took Goldenclaw, Sunwing, Dewfrost, Rockshine... and.." Silvermoon blinked.

"No..." She whispered. "He wouldn't...!"

"Windpaw and Pebbleheart." Dustfur sighed sadly, his eyes looking off. Creekpaw looked at her mentor sadly as well, staring at Silvermoon. 

"He said if we wanted them alive, to come to him immediately.. and for Lionstar to give up his leadership position.." Creekpaw murmured. She hung her head. "Windpaw was my best friend.." 

Silvermoon felt a pang of sympathy for the young she-cat. Sure, the first time they met Silvermoon thought of her as.. annoying, but Creekpaw was just a kit. She touched her nose to Creekpaw's. She reminded Silvermoon of another special kit. "It'll be okay. He won't kill a mother and her daughter. Not even Redstar can be that cruel." But he did kill my father, and I was only an apprentice fresh out the nursery.. Silvermoon thought bitterly. 

"Dustfur, Creekpaw," Twistedleg stated. "Let's go, we have to collect some herbs and get going." He mewed. Branchstalk dipped his head to Twistedleg as her brother rounded to her side. 

"Have a safe journey, Twistedleg." He meowed. The two medicine cats, Mousepaw included, smiled at each other in some secret code or something. And than the cats left. Branchstalk looked up at his sister. Silvermoon smiled.

"When did you get to be as tall as my chin?" She asked playfully. Branchstalk chuckled softly. 

"We're from the same litter. I'm not your little brother." He replied. Silvermoon stuck her tongue out.

"I was first." 

"We're from the same litter."

"And you're still short." Silvermoon teased. Branchstalk just smiled.

"It's good to see you smile again." He murmured. 

Silvermoon dipped her head. "Same with you. You look ugly when you're sad."

"Hey!" Branchstalk laughed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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