// f i v e //

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Dara can’t stop herself from giggling as she recalled what happened on the riverbank today before the sun finally set. Her mother was now looking at her wondering, puzzled by her daughter’s odd behaviour. ‘Is there something wonderful that happened today dear?’ she asked as she placed the bowl of rice on the table. Dara covered her mouth as she looked shyly at her mother. ‘Well, the charity event was great,’ she smiled at her but even her mother can notice that there was definitely something different on her daughter’s smile today. ‘Oh~kay... Just remember I’m always here ready to listen,’ she said as she started eating. Dara blushed as she bowed down her head and grabbed her chopsticks and started eating.

She can’t help not to think how blessed she was today. She was able to help and make someone happy. She met Yoochun and spent great time with him and Jiyong. Then she knew that Jiyong was living just one street away from her. She bit her lips. Then she learned how a kiss can be the sweetest thing in the world. She felt her heart was somersaulting inside her chest as she can even hear its loud beating. She let out a sigh, which caught her mother’s attention. ‘What’s wrong dear?’ her mom asked worriedly. She shook her head and began eating again telling her she should not worry and that she was feeling great.


Everyone were smiling and greeting Dara a good morning as she walked to her classroom. And with smile on her lips she would greet them back even those whom she really doesn't know. Her friends quickly swarmed around her upon seeing her as she placed her bag on the top of her desk and sat down. ‘Good morning,’ Dara greeted with a smile on her lovely face as she earned greetings from her friends.

‘I should start worshipping you! Imagine yesterday you manage to bend the school’s one and only bad boy, Kwon Jiyong!’ Seung Ri exclaimed, animatedly, earning laughs from them. ‘How did you do that? I’m really curious,’ Minzy said chuckling earning laughs and shrug from Dara, the famous girl who bent Kwon Jiyong. ‘Come on guys, she doesn’t need a miracle for it. Jiyong is a nice person,’ CL said confidently earning mocking from Seung Ri and thus the beginning of their endless bickering. ‘You know what CL is right, what happened is not a miracle, Jiyong is good hearted you just need to open not only your eyes to see it,’ Dara said chuckling making her friends silent as they stared at her. They stole glances from each other thinking maybe she is right; they just don’t need their eyes to see Jiyong. Maybe they also need to open their minds more and their hearts, who knows they might even be great friends.

Then all eyes darted on the door as the person they were talking about just arrived in the classroom with more band aids in his face and bandages on his hands. He was lazily walking with his hand on his shoulder holding his bag while the other one was inside his pocket. And as usual he has a lollipop stuck on his mouth as he went to his seat behind Dara. The classroom fell into silence sensing his extra bad mood today. He then dropped his bag on his desk as he sat on his seat. In seconds like before he buried his head on his desk trying to catch sleep. ‘Good morning Jiyong,’ Dara smiled at him as she turned around and face him with her chin resting on her arms which were leaning on the top of her chair. She was like a child watching a lone goldfish swim in a big aquarium.

Jiyong stiffened in his place as memories flashed in his head. His jaw clenched out of tension as he unknowingly scratch his head before taking a peek at her. He scolded himself for feeling thousands of butterflies in his stomach as he stared and drown in her beautiful brown eyes and her angelic smile. He forced a nod as he pressed his lips wanting to say something yet can’t utter a single shit. ‘Fuck,’ he cursed himself as his fist turned into tight ball. He felt like he was out of his body, he can’t control it properly.

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