// f i f t e e n //

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:: chapter fifteen ::

Jiyong was walking at the empty corridor of the school, aiming for the school’s library where he’s sure she has fallen asleep. Today he was some kind of relieved, this is the last day of his suspension and soon he will be able to attend school with her again. Beside he can’t help not to really get all worked up since he knew that the Student Council and the teachers might be driving her nuts just for a stupid school festival. He heaved a sigh as far as he knew she got nothing to do with that student council. Sometimes he hated how much she wanted to help everyone in every way she can forgetting all about herself.  He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled her number. He pressed his phone on his ear and listened to it as it rings. Probably this is the nth time he had called her.

‘Oi, Jiyong!’ a familiar guy called him as he jogged towards him. Jiyong raised his hand, signalling that he saw him. It was Lee Seunghyun, Seung Ri. ‘Why are you still here?’ Jiyong asked as he stared at the huge glass window in their corridor where you can see the sun almost setting. The lad smiled and began telling him everything he did from the moment he stepped his foot inside the school this morning. Jiyong rolled his eyes. This guy can really be a talker, and he hated it. After him and Dara became official he has been being dragged by her friends as if his relationship with Dara was somehow tied in their friendship. In snapped he has the so called ‘friends’ and he can’t do anything about it but heave a sigh.

‘Seung Ri, listen,’ he said finally out of patience. The guy stared at him and waited for him to continue. ‘Have you seen Dara?’ he asked as the guy’s lips formed an o. ‘Well, I think she’s in the library doing some little research for the upcoming festival. I can’t believ--,’ Seung Ri wasn’t even finish talking when Jiyong started jogging away waving him goodbye. Seung Ri scratched his head as he pulled out a hiss. ‘Aissh! I’m not even finish talking!’ he pouted.

‘Yah! Seung Rat let’s go!!’ a familiar voiced shouted as he snapped his head to her direction. He rolled his eyes. ‘Fine! I’m coming,’ he said nonchalantly as he walked towards her. Upon reaching her Chaerin quickly smacked his head for being a procrastinator. ‘You stupid piece! You made me wait at the school’s gate for long! Then I will find you leisurely standing in the middle of the corridor! You really like pissing me neh?’ she ranted as the lad covered his ears with his fingers, while his face was screaming pain and irritation. ‘In case you don’t know I was talking to Jiyong a while ago,’ he retorted as the girl was taken from her ranting. Her brow rose up that it almost disappeared. ‘What?!? I’m telling the truth!’ he defended himself as he pointed the running figure of Jiyong slowly disappearing in their eyes. Chaerin rolled her eyes. ‘Fine, let’s just go!’ she said as she started pulling Seung Ri with her. ‘Wait where are you going to take me! I’m not ready yet! I’m too young!’ he shouted as Chaerin rolled her eyes.


Jiyong was a bit panting when he reached the library. He heaved a sigh as he slowly turned the knob and opened the door. He turned his head left and right as he entered the isolated place. He began walking quietly searching for her. A smile curved in his lips as he found her sleeping soundly at the last table with tons of books and magazines beside her. He walked towards her. She was still holding her phone as she was sleeping on the top of her opened notebook. He chuckled as he stared at her sleeping figure, her face innocent as ever. He pulled the chair next to her and sat down. He pulled his cellphone from his pocket and started his hobby, taking pictures of her.

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