// e i g h t e e n //

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:: chapter eighteen ::

Dara took a small glance at Jiyong as the latter focused himself in fixing one of his client’s motorcycles. She pouted as she heaved a sigh. She was now sitting on his bed doing her homework in calculus that was about to wreck her brain into tiny pieces as she tried solving every single number written on her book. She pouted again as she stared longingly at the back of her boyfriend who was just meters away from her. She heaved another sigh without noticing it was loud enough for him to hear. ‘Baby, I’m just here no need to miss me,’ he said as he reached for the wrench and continued working. Dara pouted more. ‘I’m not missing you!’ she stubbornly said as she crossed her arms on her chest and huffed. ‘Really?’ he asked still not looking at her and still rummaging for the right tool. ‘Yes,’ she replied, certainty can be found on her voice. ‘If you say so,’ he shrugged again not looking at her making Dara gasp.

‘Yah!’ she exclaimed as she stood up in the bed and jumped her way to him. She hugged him tightly from his back. ‘Of course I miss you,’ she whispered as Jiyong rolled his eyes as a smile slowly spread on his lips. He gently removed her arms around him as he faced her. ‘Baby, we’re together in the same house,’ he chuckled. ‘But you’re far from me!’ she said throwing a tantrums. ‘I need to work,’ he said still chuckling. ‘But I need you!’ she said insisting. Jiyong rolled his eyes. ‘Need me? For your calculus homework?’ he asked Dara turned red as she smiled sweetly at him. ‘Quite but I need you more on my side than do my calculus homework,’ she said biting her lips as Jiyong chuckled. He moved closer to her as he lifted her, bridal style and laid her gently on the bed.

‘So what do you want?’ he asked hovering above her turning her into tomato faced. ‘You,’ she said smiling. ‘As you wish who am I to defy thy majesty?’ he said as he leaned down and claimed her lips. Dara quickly clung her arms around his nape and pulled him more as their kiss grew, as it suck all the air inside their body as they completely feel that everything was meant to be.

Jiyong slowly pulled himself away from her as he landed a quick peck on her lips. ‘Naughty,’ he smirked as he tapped the tip of her nose. Dara let out a frustrated groan. ‘Dara Park,’ Jiyong warned. ‘What Mr. Mine?’ she asked innocently while batting her lashes. ‘Just do your homework,’ he said as he pulled her to sit down. Dara let out another frustrated groan as she pouted her lips and no one in sane mind can resist the cute creature in front of Kwon Jiyong right now. Jiyong let out a defeated sigh. ‘Fine I’ll help you,’ he said as he stared at her eyes. Dara’s lips curved into a victorious grin as she picked her pen and book. ‘Cheater,’ Jiyong muttered as he pulled Dara to sit down between his legs. ‘I am not a cheater,’ Dara said while smiling innocently. ‘You are a cheater you’re using the fact that I can’t resist you when you’re being adorable,’ he said clicking his tongue. Dara started laughing. ‘Oh! I love you Kwon Jiyong!’ she said between her laughters. ‘I love you more,’ he answered as he gave a quick peck on the crook of her neck.

‘Yah!’ she exclaimed as she flipped her body facing him. ‘Stop doing that!’ she said almost like begging. ‘Doing what?’ he asked innocently. ‘Kissing me on my neck!’ she answered flushing red. ‘But your neck is sexy,’ he stated matter of factly. ‘Yah!’ she exclaimed as she scratched her head. She rolled her eyes as she leaned and kissed him on his lips. ‘Please I wanna do my homework! Don’t distract me!’ she said begging in an exaggerated way making Jiyong laugh. ‘Okay, I will not distract you,’ he said as he made her face her book once more but stole another peck on the crook of her neck. ‘Kwon Jiyong!’ Dara exclaimed as Jiyong laughed and apologized yet did the same thing that lead Dara to chase him over in his apartment.

‘I wanna do my homework now!’ Dara whined as she sat down still huffing from their little chase. Jiyong quickly went beside her. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said as he gently held her wrist and check her pulse. Dara smiled as she threw herself on him making them stumble on the floor with her topping on him. ‘Gotcha!’ she smirked as she kissed him which he welcomed. ‘That’s not a good joke,’ he said as he pulled himself away from her irresistible lips. ‘I’m sorry,’ Dara said sincerely. ‘Just don’t do it again okay?’ he said. ‘As you wish who am I to defy thy majesty?’ Dara said giggling as Jiyong shook his head. He then gently sat down while cuddling her on his arms. ‘Let’s do your homework,’ he whispered in her ear as she nodded in agreement.

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