Chapter 12:

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      Bodies lay scattered all around us as men scream in agony before they are silenced. "You think we are in the right place?"Natasha asks just as another body falls to the wet ground. "Oh yeah definitely."I shrug.

       "What I want you can't give me."his deep voice says just before he runs his blade through the man in front of him. Wow he has definitely changed from the man I once fought beside. He is now unrecognizable, he is broken. The look of pain and pure sorrow in his eyes tells me that. I have seen that look in a man before. I would have done anything for that man.

"You shouldn't be here."he says, the rain falling even harder now. "Neither should you."Natasha says softly. "I've got a job to do." "Is that what you're calling all this?"I ask him. "Killing all these people isn't going to bring your family back." He remains silent as his eyes drift from the ground ahead to his feet. "We found something. A chance, maybe."

"Don't."he suddenly says. "Don't what?" "Don't give me hope." "I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner."Natasha tells him. "Clint, hope is all we have left. Trust me I wouldn't be here giving it to you if there was no chance."I tell him as Nat and I take each of his hands.

      The moment we return home I am greeted by old and new friends. "Voltage!" "Thor!..."I stop for a moment and look at the god who now looks like a tub of melted ice cream. Wow, the world has not been kind to him. He runs, well more like walks up to me huffing as he gives me a hug. "Long time no see."he smiles. Ew he smells like beer and aging cheese. "How have you been doing my friend?" "Holding it together best I can." I tell him.

      "So Back to the Future is a bunch of bullshit."is the first thing I hear as I walk into the room. "Woah don't be insulting one of the greats."I say. "Hey I'm just finding out none of it is true."Scott tells me. "What?!" "Exactly." I look around the room as ever one just nods. "Anyway Clint it's ready for you, are you sure about this?" He doesn't say a word and just nods. "Alright let's do this."

         "Alright Clint we're going in 3, 2, 1." In a blink of an eye Clint is gone. Anxiousness consumes me even if he is just gone for a few seconds. I patiently hold my breath as I wait, then boom. Clint returns slightly disoriented but still in one piece. "Clint are you okay?" Nat ask as we run up to him. It's then I see it in the ground, the baseball glove still clenched in his hand. "It worked." "Holy know what this means right?"I tell them, "we can bring them home."

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