Chapter 22:

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Screams fill the air as everyone charges towards one another. I pull heavy lightning bolts from the sky and strike them down. I watch as aliens scream in agony. With quite a few carefully steps I run down to the badly field and join the others. I pull my gun out and begin to fire as I go, not missing a single shot.

Suddenly I feel this sharp pain in my leg as one of the mutants bites my thigh. I cry out in pain but before I am able to shoot it an arrow flies through it's skull. Clint looks at me, gauntlet in hand. I give a thankful nod as he begins to run off. The huge alien runs up and tries to grab him but with quick thinking I run up and begin to play with his head.

Never in my life have I heard a more blood curdling scream. "Hold him there Blue! I got this!"orders Sam. I do as he says as he swoops down and stab the thing with his wings, putting it out of its misery. I watch as he climbs down and runs up to me. I don't get a single word in as he happily embraces me. "Glad you're back Sam."I tell him with a warm smile. "Good to be back Blue."with that we go our own separate ways.

I catch up with Clint just in time as another beast runs his way. More and more follow but I hold them off, they scream as the pain of me messing with their electrical currents drives them mad. Out of the corner of my eye I spot the prince. "Ta'challa, a little help here?!" He runs up and jumps sending this purplish force-field out, sending the creatures backwards. "Thank you!" I say.

I watch as Ta'challa runs off with the gauntlet. He is nearly stopped by Thanos until Wanda drops down. Anger boiling over in her eyes and they glow red. "You took everything from me." "I don't even know who you are."he tells her. "You will.". That's my girl. I bring down more bolts and let them strike down the enemy.

Thanos then begins to open fire on us, shooting down anyone on the way. Quickly everyone takes cover under the wizards shields as he strikes down his own troops. "Help, somebody help!"calls out that Spider guy. Poor kid back in battle. "I'm coming kid!"I tell him. I begin wreaking havoc on the mutants. They begin to slowly let him go as Steve throws the hammer. The kid webs up and flies through the air. Everything side me tells me to follow him.

It's a good thing I do because I watch him get shot down. "Shit!" I sprint as fast as I can electrocuting anything that gets in my way. Just before I can reach him I am thrown to the ground as a blast from his ship nearly kills me. One of the mutants seems to see its chance and take it as it jumps on me pinning me down.

        I scream as I crank my voltage up and electrocute the son of a bitch. It cries out and release one of my arms, allowing me the chance to shoot lightning out of my hand through its heart. It's cries stop before it falls to the ground. I take a close look at my hand and shrug. "Well that's new."I say to myself as I get up and continue on my way. Suddenly the shooting stops and the guns point towards the sky.

     "Anyone know what the hell that is?"I ask as I press my fingers to my ear piece. They begin firing away as Marvel joins the fight. She destroys his whole ship in one swoop. "Danvers, we need an assist here."Steve tells her. "It's about time you showed up."I say to myself. "Heard that Blue." "Damn my bad."I shrug.

       Mutants make their way to her and the kid as they begin to surround them. "I don't know how you're going to get it through all that."says the kid. Wanda, Okoye, Shuri, Pepper, Mantis,Hope and Valkyrie, along with myself all join them. "Don't worry."Wanda says. "She's got help."Okoye finishes. I stand beside the kid as my eyes glow their bright blue. "What's up bug boy, remember me?"I joke as I look at him. He smiles as he remembers the airport where we first fought.

        We begin marching as Nebula and her sister join us. I run and just begin to unleash the beats. I give them everything I have as one by one they go down. It's then I hear his scream.  I turn to see the ugly goat looking woman on top of Bucky her blade pressing to his throat. "Hey bitch!"I yell as I walk up. Both her and Bucky turn and look at me. "Hands off!" With that I stand and shoot my lighting bolts at her. She quickly jumps out of the way of each bolt.

      With annoyance I reach for my gun which is somehow still in my leg holster, and fire away. One bullet manages to graze her arm and another her leg but it doesn't slower her any. She tackles me to the ground but I do a back roll and plant my feet as I grab my knife stashed away. "You won't be able to save them you know."she says in a demeaning way, "you won't save any of them especially him." Her eyes quickly dart to Bucky who is trying to grasp his breath.

      "We'll see about that."I tell her, "Don't count me out yet."I snap as I bolt towards her. She hits me with a solid right hook but I counter with a blow of my own. She tried to his me again but I duck and kick her legs out from under her. She groans as I begin to play with her mind. I keep this up until she passes out. I quickly run to my love and reach for his hand. "Come on soldier, I just got you back you're not allowed to quit on me just yet."

      He smiles as he takes my hand and stands. "I wouldn't dream of it."he smiles. God even now that smile has my knees weak and my heart melting. His eyes jump to my chest as he see the lightning bolt necklace he got me. "You never got rid of it?" "Now what kind of girlfriend would I be if I lost hope?"

     Bucky smiles again but this time begins leaning in towards my lips. I'm just about to feel what I have been dying for, for over five years when I hear Sam's voice on the headset. "Hey Blue we could really use your help down here!" Damnit Sam!

      "You better go."Buck tells me. "Promise me you will be here when I get back. Promise me that at the end of this you will be here with me." "I promise Blue."and with that I run off, leaving Bucky behind.

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