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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER EIGHT ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER EIGHT ▬▬▬▬▬

I HOPE TO GODS THAT Echidna's not here. Esmerelda thought as she ducked to avoid another column of fire that was spat at her. Turns out the Chimera could breath fire. Thankfully, it never did that the first time it attacked her or else she never would've made it to Camp Half Blood.

She remembered in her many Greek monster lessons that the Chimera had originally been killed by Bellerophon who threw a block of lead into it's throat, consequently making the Chimera melt it and finally kill itself. Unfortunately, she didn't have any blocks of lead nearby.

All she had were her knives and labrys.

But that didn't mean she was doomed. She was actually faring quite decently against the Chimera. It managed to burn a part of her left arm, singe her precious hair, give her a potential concussion from when it body slammed her off the roof of a truck, and cut her forearm from when she tried to protect her face. She, however, did a number on it as well. She gave it a nice shave on its backside, jammed a sharp pipe into it's side, gave it several stabs with her knives (she was now down to three), and tricked it into stepping on an upside traffic cone which led to its hoof being lodged in it nice and tight.

Throwing herself against the back of a truck, she waited with bated breath for the Chimera to approach, knife in hand. I'll blind it first, then go for the heart. Or maybe the throat. She listened to it's furious footsteps and glanced down at the enlarging shadow that was approaching from her right. Whirling out of her hiding spot, she lifted her hand back and expertly threw her knife straight into it's eye. It breathed fire in return, growing more enraged by the pain.

Quickly, she climbed up the truck and yanked a charm out of her bracelet to get another knife. She dashed to the end of the roof as the Chimera leaped up, making the vehicle shake and moan for a brief moment. She threw her knife but it moved its head to the side and darted after her. She jumped off to the side, hoping to land on the next car only to feel a searing pain on the back of her calf.

Just like the first time, she thought bitterly as she crashed onto the roof, half of her body dangling by the edge. She pulled herself up and rolled to the side as the Chimera jumped at her again. At the corner of her eye, she saw something green lunge at her.

She turned away too late. The snake's sharp fangs sunk deep into the area between her shoulder and neck. She yelled as blinding hot pain coursed through her body. It's fangs were lubricated with acid and she could feel it burn through her skin and muscle, maybe even her clavicle too. Through the torture, she unpinned her brooch, grabbed the snake by the base and swiftly swung her labrys.

The intense pressure from it's fangs faded away. She pried it away from her and tossed it off the side of the car.

"Hah," she couldn't help but cheer to herself. Another spoil of war. Crawling backwards, she dropped herself onto the front of the car and hopped off. She nearly fell over when she landed. The acid felt like it was damaging every bit of her.

The Chimera roared with rage and sprinted across the roof and pounced at her. She raised her labrys and threw it forward with all her might. It was like time slowed down. She watched, eyes wide, as her labrys soared into the Chimera's open mouth. The flames died out and in the next second, her labrys was ripping through the back of the it's throat.

She was showered in golden dust.

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