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IT HAD BEEN ABOUT A month since Thalia was... well, turned back into a human being, and the camp had yet to get over it. People were still staring at her in awe because one, she was Thalia Grace the ex-tree girl, and two, she was Thalia Grace the daughter of Zeus.

The weird thing about her was that she was turned into a tree when she was twelve. And that was seven years ago. So naturally, she should be nineteen, right? Wrong, Thalia looked to be around Alabaster and Ethan's age, and they were a few years older than Esmerelda meaning Thalia was most likely around fourteen to fifteen. She had no idea how tree-years worked, but apparently Thalia aged slower as a tree.

It made no sense to Esmerelda, but oh well. She wasn't too concerned on that. She had other matters of importance to deal with.

Today was the last day for her to keep the gods damned mandrake leaf in her mouth and she was determined to not screw this up. So determined that she decided to stop talking and eating altogether to keep from accidentally swallowing it and redoing the whole thing all over again. Ethan and the Stoll brothers tried to tell her it was a bad idea, but she whipped out her axe and they stopped bothering her about it.

Tonight would be a full moon too, so if things went well (and it freaking better), then she could get started on making the potion. It was a good thing she collected the ingredients she needed beforehand. After that, she would have to hide the completed potion from sunlight and do that annoying chant every sunrise and sunset until a lightning storm happened. Then, she could drink the potion and become the huge beast she was certain she would become.

"Essie," Ethan's tone was near begging at this point. "You can't just not eat the entire day. Just have one meal, at least."

She glared at him for the umpteenth time.

He groaned and began eating his dinner, which was chowder poured into a bread bowl. Her stomach growled as the scent wafted into her nose. Amidst the noise, Ethan heard it and held up his spoon.

"Hungry?" He teased.

She glared even harder.

"You're still not eating?" Connor asked in amazement. "You must have pretty good self-control..."

"I'm just surprised she hasn't passed out yet." Travis mused.

"I know you're doing all this crazy stuff because you think you'll turn into some huge, scary animal but..." Connor trailed off, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. "I'm pretty sure you're gonna be a bunny rabbit."

"I know right?" Ethan snickered.

"I bet ten you drachmas it's gonna be a puppy." Travis challenged.

Connor narrowed his eyes. "You're on. Ethan, how about you?"

Ethan grinned. "A kitten."

I hate you all, she wanted to tell them. In fact, there were a couple of other mean things she wanted to say, but she couldn't risk it with the leaf still in her mouth. Instead, she opted to glare at their drinks and willed them to explode and grinned when they finally did.

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