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WEEKS PASSED SINCE HER FAILED attempt at becoming an Animagus. Esmerelda decided that Camp would be the best place to try again since she was sure nobody would have any qualms with her about it. Plus, the weather was tempestuous at best thanks to Zeus being infuriated about the poisoning of his daughter-turned-tree which was a bonus since a stormy night was required.

Now that she no longer had to worry about becoming an Animagus (until the summer at least), it finally dawned on her that the year was coming to a close which could only mean one thing: exams were coming.

And she had yet to study for a single thing. She was pretty sure she had the practicals down because she practiced spells her every single waking minute, but astronomy? Herbology? History of magic? She couldn't remember a day where she actually did homework for those classes. What even were the lessons about? What were they getting tested on again?

Despite how unprepared she was for half of her exams, she wasn't too worried. Yeah, she'd definitely fail some classes, but it was Defense Against the Dark Arts that mattered to her most. That was the class where she'd learn the more useful spells against monsters.

Or at least it was supposed to be.

"Professor, are we ever going to do a practical lesson?" A student asked in the middle of lecture.

"P-p-practical? Ah, um, it's not t-that necessary, re-really." He stammered, his shaky hands reaching up to adjust his turban for the millionth time.

"But sir, our exams are coming soon!" Another student protested.

"I-it'll just be for theories," he squeaked, clutching the sides of his turban as if he was worried it would fall off. Esmerelda eyed the accessory with suspicious eyes. She had been getting a terrible feeling from that thing since the first day of school. Initially, she thought Quirrell was some sort of monster disguising itself as a human (monsters do that sometimes) and was anxious about an incoming attack. But a full school year had passed and Quirrell had yet to do anything threatening towards her so she deemed him as harmless.

But seriously, she was getting some bad vibes from that turban. And it wasn't just because of the smell.

"But sir!" A student began to whine. "This is a Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

Professor Quirrell shook his head. "A-apologies ch-ch-children. But t-theories only."

Ah, just great, Esmerelda thought, distractedly doodling on her notebook. While she focused on her spell casting diligently, theories wasn't something she really cared about. Theories won't save her from monsters, so she didn't bother with that. Unfortunately, the one class she was good in would only be tested on theories.

Maybe she should really start studying now... Maybe.

The class was done several minutes later, and Esmerelda wanted nothing more than to return to the Common Room for a nap before heading off to the next class. On the way there, she spotted Peeves wrecking havoc as usual. As they passed by each other, she hopped up to give him a high-five as greeting. Nobody paid them any mind, so she kept on walking.

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