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"IS THERE ANY REASON WHY you asked me to come with you and not Ethan?" Alabaster asked suspiciously as he and Esmerelda journeyed to the abandoned Sweetie's Ice Cream Factory.

"Uh, well," she swallowed thickly, but her throat was dry. She didn't know what exactly to say to him. She had been avoiding Ethan ever since she had that horrible dream. She just didn't know what to think about it. Ethan was acting very suspiciously in that dream. She had too many confusing questions in her head. Why didn't he tell anyone about Chris' whereabouts? What ship was he on? Who was he talking to? And what exactly did they want her to join?

"Essie?" Alabaster's voice pulled her away from her thoughts. "You okay there?"

"Yeah, sorry. I just... um..."

"You and Ethan aren't fighting, are you?" He asked, a horrified look on his face.

She shook her head. "We're not."

"Really?" He squinted.

"Really," she confirmed. "We're not fighting. I just... We're not fighting." Gods that sounded lame.
"Are you sure?" He pressed on. "Because if you guys are fighting then I'm dragging you back to camp so you two can kiss and make up."

Her face turned positively red. "Kiss and—? Ew, no! Alabaster, that's disgusting!"

He snickered under his breath. "I'll let this go since you're still eleven, but just so you know, I hope you and Ethan end up together."

If it was possible, her face turned even redder. "Y-you're gross!"

He bent over and laughed. "Essie, don't tell me you still think boys have cooties?!"

She angrily swatted his arm. The redness was up to her ears and neck at this point. "I do not! Ethan's my best friend, I'm not gonna—gonna date and kiss him! That's just—Ew! Kissing and dating's ew!"

He just grinned at her, then busted out laughing again.

She just stood there, silently fuming as she waited for him to calm down. Her face was heating up—from anger or embarrassment, she didn't know.

It took a whole minute for Alabaster's laughter to finally die out. He wiped a small tear from his eyes and had to stifle enough laughing session when he saw her expression. "Okay, okay," he breathed in deeply. "How about this: I bet you a hundred drachma that you and Ethan end up together when you're older."

She frowned at him. "I don't have a hundred drachmas."

"Oh?" His brows waggled mischievously. "So you're saying you think you'll end up dating him?"

Her eyes widened in realization. "What?! No—! You don't have a hundred drachmas either!" She sputtered.

He continued laughing.

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