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A week ago...

ETHAN FOLLOWED THE SOUNDS OF angry screeches and sighed when he heard a familiar yelling near the volleyball courts.

"Screw off you stupid bird!" Caleb shouted, trying to swat the angry owl that was trying to peck his eyes out.

Of course, Ethan thought bitterly. Him again. He glanced down at the folded up letter in his hands and contemplated if he should just walk away and have Ethan Jr send it off later.

But then Caleb unsheathed his sword and tried swinging it at the angry owl.

Ethan reacted in an instant, sword drawn. "Hey! Get away from him!" He snarled, deflecting one of Caleb's swing and pressing the blade at the column of the older boy's throat.

Caleb stiffened at the threatening gesture, but sneered when he saw who it was. "Oh it's you. What are you doing out here?" He then noticed the crumpled up letter in his fist and his expression turned darker. "What's that for? A letter saying you've decided to leave the camp? Is it a suicide note? Or is it another stupid love letter for your traitor girlfriend?"

Ethan pressed the blade even closer, causing a small line of blood to drop down Caleb's neck. "Essie's not a traitor, and neither am I."

He scoffed. "Could've fooled me. Everyone knows you and the rest of the Hermes cabin are gonna ditch camp and go look for your leader."

Ethan laughed hollowly. "There isn't even a point talking to you. Your head's so far up your ass, you can't hear anything."

Caleb's fist shot out and jabbed at Ethan's throat. The younger boy stumble back and Caleb swung his sword up. Ethan barely had enough time to block the hit, his other hand massaging his throat.

"Give me the letter!" Caleb barked.

"No way, back off!" Ethan parried his blows. He caught an opening and struck his blade forward, the tip of it cutting into Caleb's side. The son of Ares hissed and clutched his wound. Ethan took the chance to call the owl forward. Ethan Jr swooped down, snatched the letter from Ethan's hand, and flew away.

"Damn you!" Caleb shouted, swinging for his head. Ethan bit back an amused laugh as he ducked down to avoid the blow.

"Looks like you can't read me and Essie's plan for world domination," he taunted, blocking Caleb's uncontrollable blows. He had to take several steps back as Caleb stormed forward with every blocked hit.

Ethan let out a hiss as Caleb's sword cut deep into his forearm. Now weakened, Caleb didn't hesitate to disarm him. Ethan tried going back for his sword but Caleb swung his sword in an upwards arch, catching him on the cheek. He fell to his knees and grunted as Caleb kicked him on the chest.

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