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CAMP WAS A DISASTER AFTER Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson left. The Ares cabin was (understandably) ticked off that their sister's quest was being interrupted while the Athena kids were arguing that the quest should've gone to Annabeth (and Percy by extension) in the first place. The rest of the camp had to deal with their fights for the next two weeks, and it didn't help that they were constantly being attacked by monsters too. Their latest attack came from a Draco Aionius, which burnt down the arts and crafts cabin.

The one thing that didn't burn down, was the Olympian Academics, a sort of tutoring-slash-school building*. Chiron had that place made long ago for the sake of the year-rounders since they didn't go to school. He insisted that it would be better to educate them in case they lived long enough to get to university, that way they wouldn't be too behind.

Despite Esmerelda being a student, Hogwarts didn't exactly teach core subjects like english, science, and mathematics so unfortunately, when Chiron found out about it, he made her take lessons at Olympian Academics. The place bored her to death. While everyone had to go there for Greek history lessons (the real history), the year-rounders were given additional work where they had to fill up work books for subjects depending on their grade.

The one building she hated... and it didn't burn down.

Anyways, everyone was miserable. The camp was getting ruined even more, Tantalus sucked so much that even Dionysus was starting to really hate him, and Thalia's Tree was still dying. At least tonight they'd be having cheeseburgers for dinner.

"I'm impressed, you know," Esmerelda commented as the Hermes cabin filed off to their table after sacrificing a portion of their food. "Your aim's been getting better and your landing your throws." She told Ethan, who was already scarfing down his food like a starved man.

"Think I'll be as good as you?" He asked, hiding the hopeful tone in his voice. It was no secret to everyone that Esmerelda was one of the best knife-throwers in camp. She rarely ever missed. Even Chiron was truly impressed.

She snorted. "You wish." She carefully brought her cheeseburger into her mouth, tucking the mandrake leaf under her tongue as she took a bite. This particular leaf had been in her mouth for a full week now, and she was determined to not swallow it or spit it out.

Their dinner suddenly came with a show when a large IM message appeared at the very front of the Dining Pavilion. Everyone immediately stopped talking as the message became clearer. There, they saw the oddest scene ever. It was Percy standing at what looked to be the deck of a cruise ship. Annabeth and Grover were there too, but they were being held by the necks by a bear man... Tyson was off to the side, being apprehended as well.

They were surrounded by an army of monsters and people wearing Greek armor. At the front of them was a young man with blonde hair. They only saw the back of his head, but once they heard him speak, they all knew who he was. It was Luke.

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