Flash Doesn't Know When To Shut Up

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This oneshot will basically be Flash being a jerk to Peter and going too far during a field  trip to Stark Tower.

It was the last class of the day for Peter, Ned and MJ, and there wasn't much longer until the last bell would ring and they would be dismissed. Peter had been zoned out for the past ten or so minutes, anxious for the end of the school week when he felt Ned shaking him excitedly. He looked at his friend with a look of confusion on his face until Ned gestured to the teacher, who was making an announcement.

"-portunity to go on a trip to Stark Tower for a tour" Mr. Harrington said. Peter instantly paled a little, knowing he might- no he's definitely get embarrassed by the avengers, who considered him a little brother, son or nephew. The teacher began to hand out the permission slips and continued talking "the slips need to be turned in by Monday, and the trip is on Friday. Make sure your guardian signs the slip, otherwise you cannot go." He added before returning to his desk, right before the bell rang. A small smile formed on the mans face "have a good weekend, I'll see you all on Monday" he said as the class left. Ned was nearly jumping with excitement

"Peter Peter Peter Peter PETERRRRR did you hear that? We all get to go to the Tower! You can finally prove to Flash that your internship is real!" He said with a grin. Peter shook his head

"Ned, you've been to the Tower like, ten times already. And I doubt Flash will actually believe it. He's stubborn and will probably make it worse. He's already got over half the school to think I'm a liar, he could probably convince people I lied again." He said, a slight frown on his face as he and Ned weaved through the sea of people crowding the halls, MJ close behind them with a book in hand and backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Relax loser" she said calmly as she took her spot beside him "it'll be okay. Besides, if Flash wants to mess with you, he'd have to go through me" MJ added. It was a well known fact that Flash was practically terrified of her because of how many smooth comebacks and insults she could fire at him without taking a breath. Peter sighed softly and glanced at her

"True. I'll see you both on Monday" he said as they left the school and they all parted ways, Ned and MJ getting a ride from Ned's mother and Happy picking Peter up. Peter got in the car and put a small smile on his face "Hey Happy!" He said cheerfully and looked at the man through the reflection of the mirror.

"Hey kid. How was school?" He asked in his normal monotone voice, interested but not wanting to let the kid know he cared.

"We have a field trip next Friday. To the Tower." He said, a small pout forming on his face. Happy snickered.

"Only you kid. Only you" he muttered as he put up the divider and started to drive in the direction of the Tower, which was Peters temporary home while May was away looking for a job opportunity for the next eight months.


When Peter arrived at the Tower, he was greeted by a cheerful F.R.I.D.A.Y. and a thump from the vents before Clint dropped out of them to greet his 'nephew'.

"Hey Uncle Clint," He said as a smile and gave the man-child a warm hug. He knew he wouldn't be able to hide the trip from his 'family', so decided to just ask Clint to forge his Aunt's signature on the slip, since he was the best at forging things.

"Hey squirt. How was school?" Clint asked and ruffled the smaller spiders hair with a grin on his face

"It was boring, as usual. We have a trip to the Tower next Friday, and I need you to forge my aunts signature. Just, please don't embarrass me there. Flash is already going to make it a bad trip." He said nervously. Clint was the only one who knew about Flash's bullying

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