Gym Class

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Requested by @theyepatchperson       Just your average peter gets kidnapped by HYDRA and comes back with scars and gets exposed during gym class

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Requested by @theyepatchperson       Just your average peter gets kidnapped by HYDRA and comes back with scars and gets exposed during gym class. Yup. ALSO I have another chapter I'm working on, and its not a Peter Parker oneshot, its a Natasha romanoff backstory kind of thing, and its just the beginning, but I already have 2700 words in the story. It was a personal narrative for school that I somehow got an A on, even though its literally fan fiction, but I don't think my teacher realized it yet. I think it's gonna turn out really good, but its gonna be a while before its uploaded, since I've got a lot of schoolwork to catch up on, but spring break is next week so I'll have a week to work on stories.


It was torture. Three months of nothing but pain and torture before the Avengers finally rescued him. A fourth month was spent in Wakanda to rid him of all the brainwashing. Almost everything was back to normal, except for one thing. The scars, both physical and emotional, would never fully fade away. Every night, Peter would wake in a cold sweat after dreaming of being tested on and sliced open over and over again until he would be shaken awake by whoever FRIDAY alerted first, saying that Peter was having another nightmare. Tony gave him a few weeks before he had to go back to school, and said that he had told the school that he had given Peter and his aunt a chance to go on a cruise so they wouldn't get too suspicious of Peters disappearance. He also gave him a watch with a panic button in case something happened and he needed to be picked up.

The first day back at school he was lucky. No one, not even Ned or MJ knew the truth of why he was gone, and Flash wasn't at school. He was fortunate to have easy classes like Physics C, Biology, Calculus BC and English Literature, all of which were AP classes. Tony picked him up after school and they got burgers and ice cream, and then they spent time with the other Avengers for the rest of the day.

The next day he wasn't so lucky. First class he had gym, and they were doing a swim unit. He didn't realize he didn't have a swim shirt he could wear until it was too late, and the gym coach would fail anyone who sat out for the unit, so that wasn't an option either. He was screwed.

He had been in the locker room for too long, freaking out about the fact that everyone would see his scars. Flash walked in to tell him that the coach was getting impatient and to get his ass out there. Peter gave in and took his shirt off, coming out just a minute after Flash. At first, no one noticed. No one looked over to him yet and by the time they did, he was in the water down to his neck so they couldn't see. The class started with doing different kinds of strokes up and down the lanes. It wasn't until they moved onto diving that someone saw.

Everyone got out of the water and formed a line behind the diving board. Peter tried to be last in line, but someone snuck behind him and saw the scars and burns all over his back. The moment Peter knew he was screwed was when a somewhat loud "WHAT THE FUCK?!" came from behind him, causing him to tense up. people turned around and could see the other scars on his chest and arms and started whispering. The one that seemed to shock everyone was the big 'PROPERTY OF HYDRA' and 'SUBJECT 085' carved into the top left corner of his chest.

No one dared to speak up. There was dead silence for at least a minute before Flash said "What the FUCK happened to you Peter?" He didn't even say Penis Parker. That's how concerned and shocked he was. Peter avoided eye contact with everyone, pressing the panic button on his watch to alert Tony to come pick him up.

"I wasn't on a cruise. I was kidnapped by HYDRA. They... they brainwashed me and forced me to do bad things to people and if I wasn't- if I wasn't good enough or didn't do well they'd.... well they'd torture me. They experimented on me as well, an-and gave me a serum that I still don't know what it did to me. I was saved by the avengers a month ago..." he explained, trying to hide the tears in his eyes as all the memories came back. People crowded around him, clearly not aware of how much they were overwhelming him and started shouting questions at him.

Peter presses the panic button on the watch as his breathing quickened and he looked around frantically, hoping to find some way to escape from the overwhelming crowd that felt like it was closing in and suffocating him. Only a few moments later, he could hear a car pull up to the front of the school and a door slam, and someone screaming something along the lines of 'BACK UP' and a few other things that he couldn't make out.

Tony was here. He had been in a meeting all afternoon and the second he heard the notification that he got from peters watch, he was out the door, breaking every single speed limit.

Peter was overwhelmed and lightheaded from hyperventilating. He had a headache from the yelling and was dizzy from probably all of it. Which is probably why he passed out.


When he woke up again, he was back in his room at the Tower, Tony was peacefully sleeping (for once) in a chair by the edge of the bed, but when Peter sat up, he woke up with a tired look on his face that said 'when did I fall asleep?'. Peter looked at him and smirked.

"Since when do you sleep?" He asked teasingly. Tony glared back at him playfully and shrugged "Had to pass the time somehow. You've been napping for five hours kiddo. Looks like you really needed to sleep. How're you doing?" Peter shrugged.

"My head still hurts a bit but I think I'm doing okay, though I'd prefer it if I never had to ever go to school again because I don't wanna have to deal with them again" he said softly. Tony sighed "I can't take you out of school forever, but how about you do a few classes online so you don't have to be there every day?" He offered and yawned.

"That could work I guess. I'm hungry. Can you have Mr. Steve make me a grilled cheese or something?" Peter asked, laying back down. Tony shrugged "sure, but why him? I can make one too" he said.

"Uhh, no. I don't trust your cooking. You'd probably turn the sandwich into a flying robot or something" Peter said sarcastically. Tony pressed a hand to his chest in mock offense and chuckled "you aren't wrong. I can't cook for shit. I'll go ask Steve now and it'll be done in ten minutes if he isn't busy" he said and waved goodbye before taking his dramatic exit from the room.


In the end, Peter got his grilled cheese, Tony made a flying robot, and somehow Bruce got roped into homeschooling Peter for the rest of the year. The end.


This took forever to update I'm so sorry I'm just lazy. I have to use my phone so typing takes literally forever sometimes and I don't like sleeping so I'm tired and it slows me down. I was in the middle of reading a Destiel fanfic when I was like shit I should update or something so now I'm doing that. If you actually read these say hi in the comments and have a good day.

PS, I made a cosplay tiktok account. The user is chaotic.lesbiann if you wanna check it out but there isn't any Marvel cosplays yet. ADIÓS

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