*Dahlia Dixon*
*Ten Years Old*
I stand beside my friend 'Christine' her hand clutched tightly in mine I bet your wondering who I am my name is 'Dahlia Rose Dixon' I am ten years old and today is one of my field trips to Virginia. We are taking a tour of the 'Barrington House' and it was just a group of us kids and our teacher. I look up at the big giant picture as Chrissy's hand tightens around mine and we hear an alarm start to go off and her hand couldn't get any tighter. Everyone starts to run and Chrissy and I lose our teacher and the rest of our class.
I look at Chrissy and see she's crying but I find myself being calm and I grab Chrissy's hand and we run down the stairs. I don't let go of Chrissy's hand and when we get downstairs I see something eating another person like some kind of cannibal and I couldn't believe my eyes it's like the night of the living dead yeah I read comic books. The thing has blood coming out of his mouth and snarls we run right past it without it seeing us and we hide in a closet. We stay quiet I place my hand on Chrissy's mouth and I whisper "Chrissy you gotta be quiet or that thing is gonna find us".
She nodded at me and starts to calm down the screams of the people had gone eerily quiet and is filled with the moans and groans of the dead. I don't know how long we stayed inside that closet but when we start to hear talking I grab Chrissy's hand and we walk out of the closet and see all of the dead littering the floor. We walk outside and a dead thing was still alive I push Chrissy away and I hear her scream my name as it pushes me against a pillar by the front door I try to hold the snarling zombie from biting my neck. I scream at the top of my lungs and then I hear a gunshot and the zombie falls to the ground a guy with long brown hair and a beanie on his head runs over to me.
He finally reaches me and he asks "are you okay?" I nodded at him and I whimper "thank you" he sends me a soft smile and he says "no bites or scratches?". I shake my head at him and he pulls me to my feet and I hug his body and he places his head on my head. I sob into his waist and he hugs me back and then Chrissy runs over to me and hugs me too. I look up and see a group of people staring at us and one of our classmates Rory standing behind an older man when we get done hugging he asks me "what's your name sweetheart?" I turn back to him and I say to him proudly.
"Dahlia Rose Dixon".
"Paul Rovia but my friends call me Jesus, doll".