Chapter 3

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Monday! The best day of the week! I don't understand why most people hate Mondays, it means s a new week of learning something new! Also, I had to catch up with my classes since I'm gone for two days. I adjusted my student council pin on my blouse and entered the school. Ah, it feels good to be back.

I walked down the hallway when I noticed something. Every time I walked past a friend circle, they would stop talking, stare at me, then whisper. It's making me uncomfortable so I lowered my head to avoid eye contact.

"Miss president?" I looked up and saw a campus journalist. How'd I know? She's wearing a journalist pin. I flashed her a smile. "Yes?"

"Can I ask you some questions?" Confused, I slowly nodded. Did I do something wrong? Usually I'm interviewed in the office or lunch break, not early in the morning.

"Is it true that you are spreading fake rumors about Miss Felicia Weisz?" I cocked my head. What? Me? Spreading rumors about Felicia? She may be mean but I would never do that! My honor is on the line!

"Of course, not. That's not a part of my job as the council president." The journalist nodded her head. A crowd was also starting to form around us making me much more uncomfortable than before.

"Then, how can you explain this?" The journalist took out her phone and played a recording. It's my voice! But it's not my words! I would never say such harsh words!

"We are in the modern era now. Everything can be altered and--" I was cut off by the loud chants of the crowd.

"Liar!" "Fake!" "Cheap!"

I panicked. "No! You got it wrong!" But it was no use. The crowd's chants overwhelm my voice. The circle started to shrink and being the claustrophobic that I was, started to mentally panic.

I closed my eyes waiting for the crowd to squish me, I felt a hand pull me out of the black hole. I was led to a bathroom by my sister, Gold.

"Gold? What are you doing?" I faced Gold with confusion all over my face. My sister locked the door and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Funneh, listen. It's best for you to go back home. Let the issue fade and then--" I cut her off by dismissively waving my hand. No. I won't run. That's unfair.

"I'm sorry Gold but I won't run. I'm sure this is just all a big misunderstanding. I'm sure they will listen to me if I just speak out--" Gold slammed her hands on the bathroom sink, making me jump from shock. Gold's pissed off right now and I think I said something that pissed her off even more.

"Do you think they will listen to you, Funneh? Do you think they will listen to you after what happened? No, Funneh! No! They won't listen to anything you say because it's about Felicia! Even if you're the student council president, Felicia had more power than you! So please, just go back home. Let me fix this problem."

"I'm sorry, Gold. I already made up my mind. I won't run away from my problems. I will face it head on and with a smile on my face. I will prove my innocence by my own way." Me and Gold had a staring contest. Her eyes were filled with disbelief while mine was filled with deter- mination.

Our mini-contest was cut off by the morning bell. I unlocked the door and stepped out. "You better get going to your class too, Gold." I heard Gold clicked her tongue as I walk to my first class.

This is the second time Gold and I had an argument. The first time happened in fourth grade.

"I heard she broke a fifth grader's nose yesterday and she got into a cat fight with a guy from our class."

"Wow. What a tomboy."

My eyes twitched. This girls didn't know when and where to shut their mouths. I turned around and faced the two girls who are gossiping. They stopped chattering as their bodies stiffened.

One of them took up their courage as she raised her tiny eyebrow. "What?"

"I suggest you shut your mouth if you don't want to end up in the infirmary like those guys you were talking about." The two of them nodded their head furiously. I turned around and waited for our teacher.

What is taking her so long? Sheesh, my English teacher's never early. I was thinking to cut class again when my teacher finally decided to show up with a boy tailing behind her.

"Good morning class. Sorry, I'm late." Psh. It's not like you're ever early. "Anyways, this is your new classmate. Please, introduce yourself."

The boy stepped out of my teacher's back and bowed his head so low before speaking. What a weeb. "I'm Alec. Nice meeting you."


Different murmurs can be heard in the room and it's so annoying. Sheesh, can these people ever stop talking crap for a minute? The teacher dismissively wave her hand to catch the attention of my annoying classmates.

"Okay, Alec. You can sit with--" She looked around the room and saw that my desk is the only one left unoccupied. She hesitated for a moment but gave up because there are no other seats left, "Funneh. The blue-haired girl over there."

As Alec started to walk towards my desk, all of my class mates eyes were on me, especially the girls. Like they were trying to say, 'hurt this cutie and you're dead.'

"Hi..." I looked up to him with an intimidating look. He seem shocked by my face which is good. He looks like he's not going to bother me.

I scooched near the window but Alec just remained standing. I raised my eyebrow sassily. "What? You can seat over there."

"But I wanted to seat beside the window." I clicked my tongue. It's his first day here and his being demanding? I take back what I said. He will surely bother me.

"Look Alec, is it? You just came here so stop being a son of a bleach." The class gasped. I can see Alec's eyes starting to tear up.

"Funneh! Language! Also, apologize to Alec. Now!" I rolled my eyes. I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked out of the room, bumping Alec's shoulder as I whisper, "Crybaby."

I heard the angry calls of my teacher but I ignored her. I'm not in the mood right now and I don't care if I get suspended or kicked out from this school. I'm used to that.

I was about to climb the stairs to the second floor when I felt a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. Gold. I forgot she was in my class. Annoying.

"What?" I harshly asked. In a flash, a hand slapped my right cheek. My mouth opened a little before I faced my older sister, flames of anger flashing on my eyes.

"What was that for?!" I yelled. Goof thing, classes are starting and we were away from the classrooms so no one will notice.

"Seriously Funneh?! By now, you should know what was that for! But because you're stupid I'll tell you why, that was for being rude the fourth time this week!" Gold yelled back. She was also angry but I don't care. Fight fire with fire.

"I don't care if I'm being rude, Gold!" Why don't you mind your own business? Like how you and our siblings mind your own businesses while Dad beat the crap out of me!"

I saw Gold's emotion change from anger to sympathy. Pathetic. Like that will help me get any better. I turned around but was shocked when my sister hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. I promised from this day forward, I'll protect you no matter what."

My train of thoughts was interrupted by a hard bump on my shoulder. I shook my head and saw a towering figure in front of me. His hood was over his face but I saw a shade of red hair. And at that moment, a face of the red-haired guy from my middle school flashed before my eyes.


Hai guys! Before you get mad at me, I also dislike Mondays but I sometimes like Mondays because holidays. That rhymed.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Much appreciated!

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