• Five •

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You sighed and a bit before reaching your dorm room door. You were hoping he wouldn't be there yet but having a roommate means seeing them all the time right?

You shut your eyes for a moment trying to ignore what happened with his buddy Taehyung. After, you ran off you rushed into the bathroom slamming the stall door shut taking in deep breaths trying to calm your nerves. Maybe you thought you were being over dramatic about a slight touch that seemed harmless but it just didn't seem to click in your head that way. You were deeply afraid of the touch.

You can't always be afraid of the opposite gender. Maybe not all men are like the one you've heard when the girl was in the restroom but apparently your blocked mentality forced you to believe all men are dangerous so you stuck with that.

You shook your thoughts out of your head and just unlocked the door and headed inside closing the door shut and rested your forehead against the door.

You sighed and turned around to see Namjoon sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter with his index finger rubbing the bottom of his lip as he scrolls through his phone.

Something about that sent an odd feeling shooting through your body. It felt odd but then a warm tingling feeling.

" Oh. Hey." he says with a warm welcoming smile.

You cleared your throat a bit before talking,
" Uh, hi.."  You fidget with the keys in your hands and stood there in silence.

The silence breaks once Namjoon lets out a soft chuckle, " So? Are you just going to stand there or?"

" Oh! Uh, sorry. I'll.. uh.. I'll go." you chuckle nervously and turn around heading towards your room.

" Hey hold on!" he calls out to you making you stop and turn around. He walks up towards you quickly startling you a bit making you yelp. 

" Oh, sorry." he chuckles a bit giving you an apologetic smile.

" I-It's fine.." you let out a small shaky breath.

" Listen, me and a couple of my friends are hanging out today I was wondering if you wanted to I don't know.. join?"

Everything came to a stop for you. He asked you to hang out with him and his friends? Would it be a bad idea? Maybe you could understand men a bit better? Would it hurt? Could they be dangerous?

" Uh.. s-sure?" you stutter out.

" I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. Your not forced to you know?" he chuckles softly.

" No, no. I-I'll go.. it will be good to do something out of my.. uh.. comfort zone.." you mumbled the last few words.

He smiles fondly at you but his smile sends your stomach to clench and turn a bit.

" Great! We are leaving around 4 o'clock. We are going to uh eat then hang out at my friends place to play a few video games and such."

You simply nod a bit taking one step back. He nods as well and turns back towards the kitchen. You turn away and rush into your room shutting the door and breathing in deeply.

What is it about Namjoon that doesn't make you fear him as much as the other men you have encountered today? You've only know him for a day but he just doesn't seem like a harmless type of person. He seemed almost.. loving?

" Hey, I got her to tag along." Namjoon talks through the phone speaking to his friend on the other line.

" No way!" his friend screeched out.

Namjoon simply just chuckled darkly, " You guys won't have a chance." and hangs up the phone with a smirk of satisfaction.

He was ready for the hang out, especially with you coming along. Oh, what fun will it be for him and his friends.

The Virgin[K.NJ] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now