• Thirty- Three •

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" Morning," Namjoon says.

" Morning," You said not sparing him a glance and left out the dorm heading to your classes. You felt a bit awkward after the situation. You laid in bed, staring at the dark ceiling all night, thinking.

Last night was amazing but the thought of almost loosing your virginity made you panic a bit but the beautiful pleasurable feeling was a in the way blocking out that panic, at the same time.

You wanted to, really but would you regret it later on. Is it something your truly ready for? Loosing your virginity is so sacred, at least that's what you heard. To value it and think straight about the choice of loosing it.

The thought of it makes you squeeze the end of your sleeve and tugged at it. Ever since you met Namjoon and the rest of his friends, it changed, you changed.

Maybe just being sexual wise.

In a way this is beneficial.

Your like a new born deer getting ready to walk for the first time, only, your learning what it's like to have a kiss, being touched, and given oral. It's very interesting to know that the human body can experience such pleasurable feelings.

" Hyung!" Jungkook calls out to Namjoon who he coincidentally saw walking on campus to his next class. " I've been calling you. Why haven't you been answering?" He asks curiously, normally he'd answer in the first two rings of one phone call.

" I've been busy." The older mutters and continues to walk letting Jungkook follow behind him.

" Busy with what? I've been trying to send you a video from last night." That made Namjoon stop in his tracks, an eyebrow quirking up.

" What video?" To this Jungkook grins and pulls out his phone allowing the video to play.

Namjoon's heart was hammering in his chest watching the way Jimin's hands roamed around your body as the both of swayed together, your back pressed against his chest, slowly getting you nude. Although, Jungkook stopped the video not letting the rest play and stuffs it back into his pocket with an innocent smile.

" I plan on making this a series you know? I think it would be an interesting thing to watch. Matter of fact," He reaches back into his pocket pulling his phone out, his finger swipes across the screen and looks up with a wide smile. " Sent."

Namjoon's phone dings and to this he raises a brow and pulls his phone out seeing the text from the younger male. He opens it and it's the video of you and Jimin, it's on the group chat of all seven of them.

" Pretty sure hyungs would love to see that video. They'll definitely want more and her too." His tone darkens, smiling mischievously and tries to size up to Namjoon. " I'll be the one to have her first hyung, trust me."

Namjoon bites down on his tongue, his anger building up slowly at the youngest remarks.

He did agree to it being a competition to whoever can get to you first. He allowed it but now he wants to be selfish and keep you all to himself.

" You won't because she's attracted to me. You can't make her feel how I do and last time I checked, she's my roommate." Jungkook stays silent. Namjoon's right, nobody has the affect he has on you, or that's what you think because you have yet to experience anything else with the other boys, besides Jimin.

Who gladly took your first kiss into a hot make out session at their little 'party' and you almost had sex with him too but his question caught you off guard during the moment.

" We'll see about that." Those were Jungkook's final words and left Namjoon standing there, phone in hand gripping onto it with his dear life and glances down as his phone began ding from the messages on the group chat.

He knows the younger ones tend to have strategies when trying to get into a girls pants and they most likely have a plan already but what Namjoon needs to watch out for is his older hyungs.

They are more of a sneaky type of people. You just never know when they'll do what they want and there is no strategy. And the older brothers tend to have much more of a better charm then the younger males.

Worldwidedick: This is the chick Namjoon is
living with? she's fucking hot.

Hoesuckmydick: I had front row seat to this.

DaddyV: Me too! But Jungkookie didn't share.

BabyJ: My fingers inside her felt so nice and warm. I'd do it again if I can.

PapiYoong: Interesting...

Jungcock: I didn't share because clearly I was about to fuck her in front of all 3 of you guys.

" What?" Namjoon grits out, reading Jungkooks text.

Hoesuckmydick: I have class with her next. God, I wish I could just fuck her in the locker rooms.

DaddyV: I mean... you can.

" Oh fuck no he can't."

The Virgin[K.NJ] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now