• Twenty - Eight •

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" Where you going Kookie?" Yoongi cocks his head to the side, his arms across his chest.

" My room. Me and y/n are gonna hang out."

" We are hanging out with them too." Another voice is heard from behind you startling you. It was Hoseok and the other two boys behind him.

Yoongi hums pushing himself off the wall. " You guys too huh?" Hoseok just smirks in response making Yoongi nod with a slight smirk. He moves to the side and heads down the stairs brushing past the boys. " Have fun and welcome back y/n." He smiles and heads downstairs to do who knows what.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and pulls you up the stairs and into his room while the other three boys follow behind.

His room was nice, the walls painted a dark grey, the bed is a king size, black blankets, beige carpet on the floor and in the corner was a computer, rolling chair and a desk.

" Come on noona!" He pulls you towards his bed sitting you down onto it the words 'noona' never leaving your mind.

" Noona?" An awkward chuckle escapes your lips making Jungkook look at you with wide eyes.
" We're the same age though."

" I just wanted to call you noona." He pouts looking down at his bed picking at a loose strand. He sounded upset and you couldn't help but just forgive him.

" It's okay... you can call me n-noona if you want." His head instantly perks up with a smile, eyes glistening with happiness.

He's so adorable.

The boys knew Jungkook's little charm. They hated that he had that type of charm to swoon over any girl.

" Alright weirdos, we gonna have fun or what?" Taehyung said. Jungkook gets off the bed going towards his closet and coming back with a glass liquor bottle.

" Shots?" Jungkook asks and the boys nod.

Hoseok walks over to you pulling you off the bed.
" Sit by me." He smiles sitting on the carpet pulling you down with him as the rest of the boys sit down eyeing him, glaring almost.

They all wanted a piece of you and by tonight.

" Let's play truth or dare, hmm? Minus the truth that's boring." Jungkook sets the bottle in the middle and your stomach turns to the sight. " You don't do the dare you have to do a shot, deal?"

They all nod including you.

The four men couldn't help but feel the tingling, excitement in their stomach. Their eyes sparkling by the idea.

"Who goes first?" Jimin asks glancing at everybody and stops at you. " Why don't we let y/n go first?"

Your heart races and you shake your head no with a light chuckle. " No, not me. I'll go last."

" Awhh, come on noona! Please!" You hesitate for a moment but you curse at yourself for having a soft for Jungkook already, so you agree on going first.

" Since, we are all doing dares only I'll tell you yours," Jungkook licks his lips, his blood pumping. This was his advantage to get anything. " Noona, I dare you to sit on my lap the whole entire game."

You gulp nervously. " What? No!" You could feel the warmth running across your cheeks and god, you felt your ears on fire.

" Then take a shot. Rules are rules." He grins going to grab the bottle but stop as you stood up and walked over to him. He bites on his bottom lip looking up at you and spreads his legs for you to sit on his lap.

You sat on his lap, his arms wrapping around you and his chin resting right on your shoulder, smiling. You could feel his warm breath hitting the crook of your neck causing you to shiver, goosebumps appearing.

" W-Who's next?" Taehyung raises his hand immediately, his boxy smile wide.

" Me! Me!" He giggles and you couldn't help but smile. You thought for a moment and had thought all the dares you thought of weren't fun or exciting.

They were boring.

" I-I don't know what to tell you."

" I do!" Jimin chimes out happily, licking his plump lips and turning to the blue headed boy who looks excited that he's bouncing while seated. " Kiss me."

Your eyes widen and watch as both boys make out in front of your eyes. Your jaw dropped and Jungkook chuckles, his voice deep. " Close your mouth noona." He pushes under your chin closing your mouth and you can't help but be in complete shock.

That was something definitely new for you to witness.

Their lips smack when pulling away, a string of saliva attached to their lips and breaks in half. They wipe their mouths and smiled at one another before looking back.

" Jungkook!" Taehyung chuckles, his eyes sparkling with excitement. " I dare you to make out with noona."

Everything comes to a stop and before you could even fight, there's a hand on your cheek turning your head towards them and their lips attach to yours. His lips moves with yours, your eyes fluttering close and getting lost in the moment kissing back.

His hand travels to your neck holding it squeezing a bit causing you to gasp and he slips his tongue into your mouth exploring every part he can before pulling away and smiling.

Your eyes slowly opened, your chest heaving up and down, breathless.

" Hobi hyung! I dare you too... mmm strip. Completely." Jungkook grin and Hoseok gives him a hard glare.

Ain't no way in hell is he getting completely naked in front of these guys, he would just for you but the other three boys, no.

He grabs the bottle, unscrewing the cap and taking a quick chug of the burning liquid. He groans at the feeling puts the bottle back down, leaving it unscrewed.

" Your no fun hyung!" Taehyung pouts and Hoseok's lip just twitches upward.

" Whatever." He rolls his eyes and you meet his, locking eyes for what felt like an eternity. " Y/n," The way his voice sounded when he said your name caused a light shiver to appear and your stomach slightly turning. " I dare you to strip for us."

" S-Strip?" Hoseok nods biting his lower lip his teeth grazing over it. You reach for the bottle huffing out a breath.

" Awhh! What your gonna take a shot too? No fun!" Taehyung pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and hunching over upset.

" Do it," Jungkook whispers into your ear. His lips feathering at your neck. " I'll take good care of you."

Your heart was racing so fast, it was almost inhuman, you even started to lightly breath heavy. You weren't really sure why you wanted to take up on the dare.

Almost, as if you want to do something crazy and this, this was it.

You wanted excitement in your life and you finally got it. For 21 years straight of absolutely nothing but just fear.

The fear just grew on you. Maybe because you were locked away from the real world. What it really held.

" Okay.." The words were as light as a feather where only Jungkook heard it. He smiles with a slight deep chuckle and squeezing at your hips.

" Strip."

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