• Fifty - Two •

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You stared up at the dark ceiling mind wandering for what seemed like hours. Eternity.

Namjoon was right besides you who's peacefully sleeping. He, however, wasn't holding onto you. His back was faced towards you, curled up into a ball, snoring quietly.

Since he came into your room, crying onto your shoulder it was definitely something you didn't expect, at all. You tried to understand him, ask what's wrong but he'd only sob.

He did ask if he could sleep with you just for tonight. And with an aching heart you allowed him too. It seriously pained you so much to see Namjoon cry. A side you've never saw of him.

You sighed, getting out of bed slowly trying not to wake up the sleeping male besides you. With your phone in hand you step out into the living room and laid down onto the couch feeling like your able to breath. It was fresh, cool air.

Just as you were going to close your eyes your phone buzzed.


And you smack yourself on the forehead completely forgetting about this.

I'm outside your door.

How did you get in..? The doors
are locked by this time.

I'm pretty cool with the security
guard. He let me in.

Now, come on.

Something in your gut tells you that you shouldn't leave. But you felt bad that he came all the way over here and you forgot to tell him that you had things to deal with. You stood up quietly unlocking the door and Hoseok indeed was outside leaning against the wall across from your dorm.

He perks his head up to the sound. " Hey, you ready?"

" Umm... I don't think I can go today." Hoseok frowns.

" How come?"

" Umm... Namjoon was crying... So I guess I want to be here just to make sure he's okay." Wow, what a sweet heart you are.

" Crying?" He worriedly asks. They may have their bad moments together but that was still his best friend, brother type. " I mean mind if I stay over?"

Inviting Hoseok into the dorms while Namjoon is sleeping in your room. Just a couple steps away.

And Hoseok can see the uncertainty on your face.

" Nevermind, we'll postpone it? Another day?"


" Y-Yeah... I guess..." And again, he can see the uncertainty in your face. It's more of a yes you want to but the timing is bad.

" Are you sure? I mean it's cool if I don't. I can just come back tomorrow." Hoseok was actually really okay with leaving even if he gets nothing out of coming here.

" But you came all the way here. I feel bad.." Hoseok shrugs actually really chill. No hard feelings.

" Don't it's fine. I swear." You nibbled on the bottom of your lip, nodding. " I'll come by tomorrow for Namjoon."

" Okay,"

" Goodnight." He smiles cutely, tiny deep dimples popping out. Just as he's off walking you stop him. "Yes?"

" Maybe you can just spend the night...Here? I-I mean if you want." Once again that gut feeling is coming back. If you invite him is there a chance you both won't do anything with each other?

" If you insist." Hoseok chuckles, coming back. He steps inside, quietly shutting the door behind him.

" You can um.. sit on the couch," Your awkward. Stop being awkward. " I mean you can sleep there to. O-Or I—" Hoseok chuckles, sitting himself on the couch.

" It's okay babe. I can sleep on the couch don't worry." You purse your lips together nodding.

" I'll go grab a blanket from Namjoon's room or something?" Turning on your heel to walk into Namjoon's room Hoseok stops you.

" Don't you know that he doesn't like anyone going into his room?" He forces an airy chuckle, stepping back. " It's the reason he doesn't live with us. He likes his own space. He's very private. So, I'm cool without one. We should probably head to sleep. It's late."

He's very private. And come to think of it. Yes he is. You know nothing about him really. What he does besides go to college like you. Where does he go when he tells you to stay home? What the hell is his favorite color question. One basic conversation question. Never asked before.

And your thoughts dig deeper.

You're sleeping around with a man you don't really even know. You let some man you really don't know touch you in ways you've never had been. But yet you think about his friend, the man standing right in front of you. And the others at home.

There were some you actually got to know. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. Then there's Yoongi, who your getting there with, too know. Hoseok? Well, there's moments. Then there's Seokjin who you only had a small moment with. Being there to help you when you felt small and took care of you just fine cradled to sleep. Like a child.

Then, Namjoon. He's just there. You know him but really don't know him. It really shocked you. More like realization.

" Well, now I do." You sighed, the moment you sat on the couch, Hoseok confusingly stared at you. " It's not that late. You mind if we just sit and talk? Literally about anything. I'm not really tired."

Hoseok smiles coming around the other couch and sits himself there. " Sure, that sounds nice."

" We have umm, water? I think that's about it." You chuckle and Hoseok does to.

" How about we go out and eat fast food? We can park at a park or something and eat while we talk. And I can get us back in the dorms anytime." Fast food? That sounds delicious.

" Deal." Both stand up, and you slip on some sandals that are by your door and walk out in your pjs. To which Hoseok doesn't mind at all. You look comfortable. " So, what's your favorite color, Hoseok?"

" Green. You?"

" Blue."

The Virgin[K.NJ] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now