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(Takes place post-time skip, after their A support conversation.)

Bernadetta sits in the infirmary, pouting furiously. She isn't injured, but she's definitely angry about something. The sound of boots stepping down the hall makes her jump up. Caspar walks through the door, bruised and beaten from the last battle. Bernadetta clenches her fists at her sides and shouts "About time you got here!"

"Gah! Bernadetta, you startled me!" Caspar raises his eyebrows. "Uh oh, you're mad. What did I do this time?"

"What did you do this time? Just look at you!" Bernie huffs.

"Huh?" Caspar looks bewildered as usual. "I don't see anything wrong with me..."

"Grrr, just sit down!" The normally quiet girl commands.

"Ok ok, jeez" Caspar rests down on the bed, wincing slightly from his injuries. Bernadetta gets him some bandages and begins to patch him up. She also uses a simple healing spell to close up one of his larger cuts. Bernie's magical talent isn't as great as some of her other classmates, but its something else she can do besides fighting up close.

"Why did it take you so long to get here, you know you're hurt!"

"I was talking to the soldiers, as their general I gotta take headcounts and make sure everyone is accounted for."

"Ugh, you're such an airhead!" Bernie complains, wiping some blood away with a cloth.

"Hey!" Caspar retorts. "I don't see anything wrong with caring about my men!"

"But what about caring for yourself?!"

"I'm fine! I'm used to stuff like this."

"But what if something really bad happens?!" Bernadetta sits back, eyes watering slightly from the heated exchange.

Caspar notices and softens his tone. "Woah, what's gotten into you? Something's clearly bugging you."

"You think?!" Bernie can't stop the tears that fall. Her anger releases into anxiety as she begins to tremble. "What if you got hurt so bad that you didn't come back? What if you died?"

Caspar gently grips her shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Hey, don't cry. I'm not dead, I'm right here."

Bernadetta wipes her face, embarrassed at herself. She can't help it, her paranoia made her expect the worse for her friend. But she can't let her anxiety get in the way, she has to stop him from being so reckless all the time. With a deep breath, she pulls away and faces him with determination. "You need to stop fighting so much."

"I can't do that," Caspar furrows his eyebrows. "I need to help everyone when we're on the battlefield. They need my strength."

"You need to stop!" Bernadetta rises, staring at him hesitantly before continuing. "And...a-and just to m-make sure you do..." her hands start to shake nervously. "I-I'll t-tell you..."

"Tell me what?" Caspar is utterly confused by Bernadetta's behavior.

"I...I......" This is the hardest thing she's ever done, but she has to be brave. "Ah...I-I love you!" She covers her eyes, not looking at his reaction. After a second she hears Caspar mutter.


She peeks open her eyes. Caspar stares, dumbfounded by what he just heard. Neither one speaks.




"Well, say something!"

Caspar snaps out of it. "I don't... I don't really know what to say. You're serious?"

"I-It's the truth," Bernie quietly admits. "I really care about you, and I don't want you dying on me. So don't, ok?"

Without warning, Caspar pulls her up into a hug and spins her around.

"I love you too, Bernadetta!" He grins widely. "I'm so happy right now!"

"Gah! Put me down!"

"Whoops, sorry." Caspar tenderly sets her down. "Gotta remember to be gentle like you said."

Bernie takes a breath, then processes what he said. "Wait, you love me too? For real?!" A smile breaks out across her face.

Caspar lifts her hand in his. "I really mean it, Bernadetta. I've loved you for a long time now. I guess I just got really surprised when you said it first."

She sighs, overcome with relief. "Then you won't fight as much anymore?"

"I don't know if I can stop myself from fighting, but I'll be more careful so you don't have to worry about me." He stares softly into her eyes. "I promise."

She leans into his chest, resting in his strong embrace. He holds her closely yet gently, grateful they're together now.


Lolol, hope that wasn't terrible. I've got other ideas for these two that I wanna write if I can get around to it. Let me know if you wanna hear more.

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