Her Father

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"It's been a long time since I've seen this place."

Bernadetta stares up at the looming manor. Vines climb the outside walls, most of the windows have been closed to the outside world, and the large oak door sits menacingly in the center of it all. Bernie shutters. Her fiance, Caspar, stands bravely next to her and takes her hand. She squeezes his in response.

"So this is where you grew up," he observes. "Kind of a dull place." He turns his head and looks at her. "Does it feel weird to be back?"

"Yeah," She admits. "My heart is mixed with feelings of nostalgia, fear, and comfort all at the same time." She anxiously chuckles under her breath. "Maybe I'm just nervous to see them again."

"You gonna be ok?"

"Yeah," Bernie takes a deep breath, still trembling. "Let's just get this over with."

The pair stride together to the daunting front door and push it open. A servant waiting for them bows humbly. "Lady Bernadetta, it is good to see you."

"Thank you, Geoffry." She nods with remembrance. "Is Mother home?"


The girl gasps, clutching Caspar's arm. They both look to the top of the stairs. An older woman with purple hair, a shade darker than Bernie's, looks down at them. Her face is wrinkled yet refined. Her indigo dress features long sleeves that frill out over her wrists, and it's length drags behind her as she descends the stairs down towards them. She smiles, arms outstretched. Bernadetta lets go of her friend and embraces the woman in front of her.

"Oh Mother," She cries. The noblewoman cups her daughter's face with her hands.

"You have grown so beautiful," she admires.

Caspar bows. "Greetings, Countess."

"Ah, this must be Caspar Bergliez." Lady Varley gracefully steps toward him, offering her hand for him to kiss. "You indeed are as strong in stature as people describe."

"Aw thanks mo- uh, Ma'm!"

She chuckles, then turns back to her daughter. "Your father is in his study. I'll show you to the living room to wait for him." Lady Varley gestures to a nearby servant to send for her husband.

Caspar and Bernadetta awkwardly sit together on the lavish couch. Lady Varley rests into an elegant chair, accepting a cup of tea from a servant. Bernadetta fiddles with her hands while her mother sips. "Um, is f-father angry with m-me?"

"Oh heavens, of course." Her mother doesn't hesitate with her response. "When he heard you were going to marry a man he had not selected, with no inheritance nonetheless, he was steaming as much as a kettle!" The lady laughs. Bernadetta clenches her fists, head down. Caspar stares, surprised at the family dynamics. Lady Varley sets her cup down and looks at the young couple. "But nevermind your father, he isn't satisfied with anything in life. I want you two to know that at the very least you have my blessing."

This causes Bernadetta to whip her head up. "You mean it?!"

"Of course," the older lady smiles. "I'm glad you've found someone to take care of you."

"You betcha!" Caspar clenches a fist happily. "I'll make Bernadetta the happiest girl in the world!"

The servant from before comes back and whispers into Lady Varley's ear. "Aha!" She stands. "Your father is on his way." Bernie gasps, anxiety returning. "Now I must take my leave," Lady Varley states. "I don't want to get in the way of you and your father's time together."

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