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The night sky is full of dark clouds, blocking any light the moon gives off. Rain patters against the ground, muffling the sound of footsteps. The back door to the dining hall creeks shut as a student sneaks away. Bernadetta carries a variety of items in her arms; some bread, apples, and leftover sweets from dinner that night. This wasn't the first time she had skipped dinner to avoid people, she relied on her midnight snacks to stay both fed and away from people. However, tonight the atmosphere of the monastery was extra scary from the rain, like something out of a story she's written. Bernadetta quietly steps down the stairs and passes the dock, eagerly headed back towards the warmth and safety of her room.

A booming crack of lightning rips through the dark sky! The young student squeals like a mouse, nearly dropping her haul. She ducks against the wall in fear. As soon as the thunderous noise is gone she resumes sprinting past the greenhouse towards the dorms.

Oh no! Catherine is talking to one of the guards and blocking the door to her room! How fitting that the fearsome Knight of Seiros wielding Thunderbrand would be her demise! Bernie hides at the base of the stairs to the second-floor rooms, not knowing where to go next. It's okay, just wait for them to leave. But what if they start walking this way?! What if the Professor gets mad at me for breaking the rules about bedtime?!


She starts to scream but the voice behind her cups a hand over her mouth, silencing her.

"It's just me, Caspar!" the boy whispers. "C'mon, back here."

Bernie follows her classmate out of view of Catherine and the other guard. She tiptoes after him past the other doors, to his room. After they step inside Caspar quietly closes the door behind them. When they're safe Bernadetta slumps to the floor in relief.

"I thought I was dead!" The poor girl sighs.

Caspar chuckles. "That was a close one, you're lucky I saw you sneaking around through my window."

'You saw me?!" Bernadetta exclaims in embarrassment. "Oh, I thought I was getting better at stealthing."

"Heh heh. You were tricky to see at first, but that... bolt of lightning...." Caspar's phrase disappears at the end.

"Um, how come you were still up?" the recluse questions.

"Oh, well um..." the normally chipper fighter rubs the back of his neck anxiously. "No reason, just trouble sleeping I guess. But anyway, what were you doing with all this food?"

"I was... just hungry..." Bernie's stomach rumbles, causing her to immediately grip it with embarrassment.

"Oh yeah. You weren't at dinner again, right? I've been wondering how you've been keeping up your strength in battle." Caspar picks up an apple off the carpet.

"Um, thank you for saving me from getting caught. You can have some of what I brought if you want."

"Really, thanks!" Caspar starts to take a bite but stops himself. "Wait, I don't want to eat your dinner if you're hungry."

"It's okay!" Bernie shakes her hands in front of her. "I always grab more than I need. There's enough to share with both of us."

The two classmates sit together on the floor, munching in silence. They listen to the sound of the storm outside together. Bernie notices Caspar keeps acting on edge and her mind ponders. Why is he acting weird? Is it because I'm here? Is it my fault?! I must be making him nervous!

"U-um, c-Caspar..." Bernie stutters then blurts out. "I'm sorry I'm in your room!"

"Huh?" Caspar densely responds. "It's no big deal, really. After all, you're sharing your snacks with me."

"B-but It's not decent for a woman to be in a man's room, a-alone, ....and at n-night..."

"Not decent..." Caspar swallows his bite, then connects. "Oh. Well... I guess if you put it that way..." He shyly rubs the back of his neck again.

A sudden strike outside illuminates the room and thunder startles the two students. Bernie yelps but is surprised to hear she's isn't the only one who made a sound. She looks over at her friend; he's shaking slightly, eyes strained on the window, a hand gripping something in his pocket.


"I'm fine! I'm fine!" The boy panics, trying to keep his cool.

Bernadetta's own fear begins to be overridden with concern for her friend. "Caspar... are you... scared of thunder?"

"What?! Pfft, no!" He overcorrects. "I'm just worried about you being scared, that's all! Heh heh..."

"Me?" Bernie looks down and pokes her two index fingers together. "Well, I'm scared of everything, so this is normal for me. But it's okay if you're scared too, I promise I won't tell anyone!"

Caspar leans back against the side of the bed and pulls out what he was gripping in his pocket. It's a grounding charm. "Okay, you're right. I get... uncomfortable when there's lightning. That's why I was having trouble sleeping." He weakly smiles. "At least you're scared too, then I'm not the only one."

"It's okay to be scared!" Bernadetta tries to think of the right thing to say. "I still think you're really cool! You can fight really well and you have no trouble around strangers. And to be honest, how can people not be scared of storms? They're terrifying!"

"They are!" Caspar joins in. "I can fight any person, but I can't throw punches at a force of nature!. How do you fight something that can kill you with one hit..." He looks down at the charm in his hand, pausing a moment. "Thanks, Bernadetta. You're a good friend."

Bernie's heart skips a beat and she awkwardly smiles at the floor. "Really? I'm glad. And, um... if it's okay with you... maybe we can both stay here together... so we're less scared."

"I like that idea," Caspar's smile returns. "Just having you here to talk to helps."

Bernie beams, happy at the thought of being with her friend longer. Even if this wasn't her room, she's still glad to be here. And there's still some food left to munch on. Caspar's glad to have her there too, it's not often they hang out outside of class. The two of them spend the night snacking, chatting, and gasping in unison any time the storm roars. They stay that was together until the rain clears and the bright sun returns to the sky.


*Yawn* "Caspar?" Linhardt slumps down the hall. "It's our day off, I'm surprised you haven't knocked on my door yet..." He stops talking when he opens the door enough to see inside. The two late-nighters are resting on the floor, backs leaned against the side of the bed. Bernadetta rest's her head on Caspar's shoulder, both are fast asleep.

Linhardt shakes his head and closes the door. "And normally I'm the one asleep."

Caspar x BernadettaWhere stories live. Discover now