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*Knock Knock Knock*

"Bernadetta! It's me!" Caspar reaches for the door handle but stops himself. "Wait, can't do that. She got really mad at me last time. Bernadetta?"

The door opens a crack revealing a short young woman with purple hair. She shyly peeks out of her room. "Oh, hi Caspar."

"Wow, that's new." Caspar laughs. "Normally I gotta talk through the door."

"You're so mean!" Bernie embarrassedly responds. "I'll have you know I'm trying to be better. Well, at least when you come to talk to me."

"Really? then how about coming all the way out?" Caspar reaches his strong hand through the gap and tugs her outside.

"Ah! Oh, fine!" Bernie pouts. "But only cuz it's you and no one else!"

"Heh heh, sorry!" Caspar grins. "I just really wanna watch the sunset with you again."


They walk to their special spot together, Caspar guiding her by the hand. When they get there Bernadetta takes a deep breath, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"It's been a while since I came out here," She lifts her head up, eyes watching the horizon. "With the war finally ending, this is one of the last chances I'll get to see this before going home."

"Yeah..." Caspar mutters, his mind occupied by something.

Bernadetta stands there for a few minutes, her friend not even glancing at her. Finally, she speaks. "Why are you being so quiet?! Normally you're chatting about the last fight you got into!"

"What? Nooo, I'm not acting differently..." The general awkwardly scratches his head, avoiding her gaze.

"Yes, you are!" Bernie leans forward, hands clenched by her hips. Then she folds her arms and turns away. "It's because you don't like being around me, isn't it. I'm better off in my room where I can't annoy anyone."

"What?! No way!" Caspar steps in front of her before she can walk away. "I like being around you!"

"So I'm not the reason you're so quiet?"

"Well, you kind of are..."

"Ooh, I was right..." Bernadetta whimpers.

"Gah! That's not what I meant!" Caspar frantically waves his arms in front of him, then sighs deeply. "I messed up, let me start over."

He reaches out his hand, she hesitantly takes it.

"Bernadetta, there's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now..."

"You want to split up?!" The poor girl panics.

"No!" Caspar chuckles, shaking his head. He reaches into his pocket. Bernadetta shifts her stance, ready to run if he pulls out a knife. Instead, what he pulls out makes her freeze in place.

"Bernadetta, I love you so much. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." He holds up the ring he picked out for her. "Even if you get mad at me all the time, or hide in your room all day, I want us to be together no matter what happens next." He bends down on one knee, Bernadetta stares at him in shock. "Will you marry me?"

"........M-m-m-marry me?" She stutters.

"Hey, I asked first."

Bernie covers her face with her hands, then utters a response. "Y-y-yes! Yes! I accept!" She throws her arms around him, tears forming in her eyes. "And it's really okay if I stay in my room all day?"

"Well, I guess you can," Caspar furrows his eyebrows. "But I would really like it if we traveled together, seeing all kinds of new places."

"Well...I..." Bernadetta looks at the ground. "Maybe as long as I'm with you, I'll be ok." She looks up at him. "I might not ever get over my anxiety, or my fear of strangers, or my compulsive need to run and hide. So, do you promise to always go with me when I go outside?"

"Of course! That will be great!" Caspar clenches a fist in happiness. "I can't wait to start our new life together!"

"You sure?" Bernie still doubts. "You're really okay with spending your future with someone like me?"

"Of course!" Caspar beams. "I wanna be with you forever, and I'll tell it to the whole world just so you'll believe me!" Caspar faces the sun and outstretches his arms. "I LOVE YOU, BERNADETTA!"

"Stop! You don't have to do that!" Bernie can't help but giggle a little. "I love you too!"

Caspar x BernadettaWhere stories live. Discover now