Chapter 21: Insight

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"Morning." The greeting came out as more of a groan from the FBI agent.

In the casino, Cassandra had a more plausible portion, a quieter joint for when the party-night casino wasn't running. It was also where they currently housed their mornings. A private section, much like a resort might have for its VIP members. In this case, that was the three of them.

Kishan held his head as he plopped down in the seat across from Alec at the small white, circular table.

Alec gave a raised look at his friend's current crapulence state. They had all managed to change the night before, no longer in their dress attire. Alec looked the closest to how he usually did, in dark jeans and a maroon t-shirt to accommodate the warmer climate. Kishan wasn't dressed all that differently, but his navy linen top had clearly been put on sloppily, and the top two buttons had fallen loose.

"Hangover?" Alec asked with an already knowing look. He definitely wasn't impressed. "Seriously man, I can't believe you let yourself get that drunk last night," he reprimanded with a shake of his head.

Kishan shielded his eyes as best as he could from the indirect sunlight. "The idea held more appeal last night than it does now, if that makes your uptight-ass feel any better..." he snapped agitatedly.

"A little."

Kishan rolled his eyes. "This coming from the guy who was still hungover when he took his final academy exam—if I remember right." He was recalling old times.

"Yet I still passed higher than you," Alec responded. "If I remember right."

Kishan sent him a less than amused look and shook his head in obvious exasperation. "It was ridiculous! How could they not tell you were still drunk?!"

"Beats me," Alec shrugged.

"Don't you two sound like the ever responsible protectors of our community," Maize said with a sarcastic roll of her eyes, glancing between the two.

She sat at Kishan's left, wearing black leggings and a blue long sleeve made of thin material so that she wouldn't overheat. Just as an accessory—since she didn't like to go many places without it—her leather jacket hung draped over the back of her chair. As she continued to listen to the two old friends prating.

Alec shot her a defensive look, "Hey, we were just kids back then. I enrolled at the academy straight after college—and they all did stupid shit like that," he explained, as if that made it any better.

Kishan chuckled and nodded in agreement, "Going to parties before and after graduation was pretty much tradition." He paused and directed at Alec, "But if I remember correctly, you couldn't drink at the ice breaker party one of the guys threw because you were still underage at the time. Ha, should have waited until you were at least 21 to enroll." Kishan laughed. "You missed out on that one."

Alec rolled his eyes, "It wasn't like he didn't throw a million parties afterwards. Besides, you looked like shit the morning after that one...kind of like now," he stated with a pointed look.

"Good job breaking it to him lightly," Maize let out sarcastically.

Kishan grumbled at the both of them under his breath. "Where'd you get the coffee?" he then asked as he eyed the two cups on the table.

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