Chapter 54 prt. 1: Truth & Lies

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He became more awake and aware of himself as his consciousness gradually returned. The first thing he was made aware of was his seated position; he was in a dark room, not the same one as before, this one was smaller, with more compact walls.

He tried to move—but that turned out to be a bad idea as soon as he felt the sharp sting of the metal wired restraints around his wrists bite into his skin, tied behind his back, around an iron mast sticking up from the ground, and making it nearly impossible to move his arms.

He didn't know how long he had been out—but his shoulders ached from the position they had been forced to bend back in. Aching, but not yet to the point where it was painful. That had to mean he hadn't been tied like that for too long...

Who the hell had knocked him out?

Where was Maize?

Alec tried shifting ever so slightly to survey his surroundings, but even the slightest shuffle of his wrists caused the metal wires to tighten and dig into flesh to the point where if he moved any further, he was sure they would slice through a layer of skin and draw blood.

Fuck, he mentally cursed. What the hell was happening?

His mind flashed back to the scar-eyed man—who was he? How the hell did he know Maize? What happened to Maria?

Where was Kishan?

The door to his left a few meters away from him unlocked with an audible click. Alec tensed, unable to see who was entering until they pushed the large door open and came into view.

That's when he thought he felt his heart stop in his chest.

There, in perfect condition; unharmed and unhindered, Kishan stood there in the doorway, staring at him.

He's alright! Alec couldn't see any injuries on his friend. And he was here—that meant their theory had been right, Kishan was here and they had found him alive. He almost breathed a sigh of relief.

Until he stopped himself.

Kishan wasn't being followed in by any guards, he didn't have cuffs or ties on his arms—in fact, he held them behind his back on pure will.

That's when Alec realized it wasn't a blank look Kishan was giving him—but a tantalizing one. There was odd mischief shifting in his eyes when there shouldn't have been.

"Kishan...what—" he began slowly, his voice more strained than he had expected and uncomfortably dry in the dusty room, before he was cut off.

"Have a nice sleep?"

The calm tone of Kishan's voice as he closed the solid door behind him caused Alec to freeze before Kishan then smiled right at him, almost sheepishly—if not for the look in his eyes as he spoke.

"Sorry...that was my bad I'm afraid."

"What?" Alec paused and furrowed his eyes at Kishan's completely relaxed posture. He wasn't making a move to help him, didn't even look at all concerned. A pit of dread began to seep into Alec's stomach. "The hell are you talking about?" he questioned incredulously.

Kishan walked over until he stood directly in front of him—at what would have been within arm's reach had Alec actually had access to move his arms. "I're a little slow to catch on," he murmured with a smile that was unlike the regular Kishan Alec knew. He spoke like he was talking down to a child, condescendingly, explaining something as if there was no hope that they'd understand but wanted to know anyway. "I guess you did just get slammed in the head...I'll give you a moment to figure it out."

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