~Chapter 7~

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~Meiko's POV~

I don't know how I got there but I found myself in the boys bathroom. I shook my head the blood loss was driving me up a wall. My head was throbbing, I was dehydrated, and I could feel my heartbeat in my hand. MY vision was blurry and black dots danced in my vision. I stumbled out of the bathroom, my eyes darting around quickly. Suddenly, I stumbled and fell. 

Kaito... save me....

~Luka's POV~ 

What Miku said echoed in my mind.

I missed you too, Luka

We had walked over to a wall and sat down. Miku let me cry into her shoulder about how I was stuck with him and how rude he was. She smiled and softly repeated, "It's okay, I'm here now. It's okay...." She stroked my back motherly like. Eventually, my tears slowed to a stop. Miku put her hand under my chin to lift my head up and look into my eyes. She gently wiped away my tears with her other hand. I smiled slightly, what more could a best friend ask for? She was sweet and caring, and always held her heart on her sleeve. 

"I must be a mess..." I muttered wiping my cheeks with the back of my hands.

"No, not really. Nothing seems to be smearing or anything, you look as perfect as usual Luka!" Miku replied cheerfully.

I laughed she always knew how to cheer me up too. "We should probably go look for Kiyoteru and the others," I suggested.

"Yeah," Miku replied. She stood up first then held out her hand for me. I gladly took it and we looked around at the beaten school. It was larger than I thought it was. I realized it was gonna be harder to find them than I thought.

~Len's POV~

I walked down the halls until I heard sobbing. I cocked my head, I was unusually interested as to who was crying. I walked down the hallway trying to keep my footsteps silent. I looked around a corner. It was a... guy? Why would he be crying? He had blonde hair and blue eyes and looked an awful lot like that loner that's in our group. What was her name? Lily? Yeah her. I decided I'd say something, maybe cheer him up. I walked over to him quietly and said kindly, "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine. They were filled with sadness, the same as Lily's. I started to find this really odd.

He stood up and ran over to me and started crying into my shoulder. WHAT? I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GUY! "U-Uh t-there there?" I said completely confused and patted his back.

"My brethren!" He cried. What the hell is with this guy? 

"Y-Your brethren?" I asked confused.

"You're blonde like me! You're my brethren!" He said pulling out of my shoulder with a smile. What was he bipolar?

"U-Uh yeah I guess we're both blonde but might I ask, what the hell?" I said.

"What?" The guy replied.

"What the hell... were you crying about?" I said making up the last part, not wanting to be too rude to a guy I didn't even know. 

I saw his smile fade quickly and a deep frown formed across his face. "Nothing," He replied lowering his head.

"Uh well okay, what's your name?" I asked figuring since we were together we should probably keep together.

"Li, you?" He asked looking back at me.

"Len," I replied. He smiled and patted my back.

"Cool, so we can be bros, right?" He asked.

"Yeah sure," I muttered. This guy had to have been bipolar, or maybe just insane. He seemed to have something in his hand. All I caught was a glint, a sparkle of something. Whatever it was, it was shiny. 

~Gakupo's POV~

I didn't mean to hurt her. That's just the way I learned to defend myself. When people were being rude, it was just instinct to be rude back. I stood up and started out of the room wondering why I was so stupid. Who even is the much of an asshole to a girl? I walked down the hall. I cupped my hands around my mouth and called, "LUKAAAAAAAA!" No response. I tried again, "LUKAAA I'M SORRY!" Still no answer. I sighed she must've been really pissed at me. I walked down a hall, until I reached a point where I stopped in my tracks. There was a little girl in a red dress. She appeared to be crying. I took a step toward her. 

"Are you alright?" I asked cautiously. She just continued sobbing, I think. It looked like sobbing but it didn't sound like it. My ears and eyes were battling over which was happening. I just took another step forward. 

"Little girl?" I asked. She was about 5 feet away from me. I decided that she was just a little girl, she couldn't hurt. I walked all the way over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Are you okay? Why are you-" I started but she looked up at me, the most maniacal grin a child could have. There were no tears in her eyes. Just a look of pure evil was in her eyes. 

Suddenly her mouth moved, "You fell for it." She started laughing as I was surrounded by children that were glowing a faint blue. They grabbed my arms and held me to the ground. Then they started chanting something I couldn't understand. The little girl started cackling. 

"HEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed insanely. I immediately started freaking out, as her eyes rolled into the back of her head only showing white and little red lines. Who the hell was this chick? She reached into her pocket and pulled out something. She seemed to have trouble with it, like it kept sticking to her hands. Then, she dangled the thing over my left eye. I gulped.

"NO NO NO PLEASE NO!" I screamed, realizing it was a leech. She just continued cackling as her eyes rolled back to the front of her head. 

"Oh you don't want this?" The girl teased bring the leech closer to my eye.

"NO NO PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" I shouted, knowing it would blind me and possibly kill me. But if it killed me, it would be excruciatingly painful. 

"Anything?" The girl asked with a hint of curiosity.


"Oops," She said simply letting go of the leech.

Okay well, sorry its Sunday but I had a sleepover with friends and then yesterday was really busy soooo yeah. Anyways, here's the chapter that was supposed to be on Friday. I love you all and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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