Chapter three: Getting to know better

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(Demones POV)
Tomorrow is another day... Like they always say. Anyways I woke up in a good mood and I notice that Mr.Jesse was still sleeping I decided not to wake him but he was so kind yesterday so I gave him a little kiss on the check and I blushed and felt great doing that to him. So I went down starts to make breakfast for him so he would work better than before with his projects but I decided to wear yellow undies today cause it matches my horns so anyways I made some breakfast and settled it down on the table and after a while I was curious to see more movies on Netflix so I put on a movie and i didn't expect to see some movies about... well girls who were on the "cubby side" and I saw it was on his favorites I was a little shocked about his favorite movies but I didn't think too much about it so I spiked the idea about it so I turned on the tv and watched some Un horror based movies.

(Jesse's POV)

I woke up a bit late and noticed that it was 12:00 AM and I smelt something good down stairs and I got dressed in my lab shirt and other lab stuff on so I headed down stairs and notice that Demones was way up before me I saw her watching some Other movies that I didn't know about but that didn't matter as I walked down stairs to get my meal.

(After his meal)

The meal was delicious! Best one I've tasted in a lone time! But anyways I was thinking of a little invention today and that's when I got the idea to make a little clothing for my Demones!
So I told Demones that I would be down in my laboratory and she said "well alright! Just don't take long!" So I headed to my work bench and began working on her new clothes. The clothing was gonna be stretchable and pink and reddish pink and that was a great combination! So I began to make her new clothing

(After a while on her clothing)

It actually didn't take long to make her clothes but it looks great and I said to myself "I bet she'll like it!" So I called Demones down to the laboratory and she wakes down and came to me and said "yeah what is it?" And she saw the new clothes I mad her and she said in a excited voice "Are those for me! Did you make those!" And I replied "yes I did and it's for you!" She looked at me and blushed and she said "these are beautiful..." when she said that I blushed a little by her compliment. And I said "wanna try them on?" She replied "well of course!" She ran to the storage room to get dress but she forgot to lock it and I kinda went dirty and looked inside just to get a peek of what she was doing In their and what I saw was.... was hot... She was still naked but her butt was still exposed and I saw her trying to get it on but all I saw was her butt jiggling while trying it on. I quickly went back to the where I was standing And acted like nothing happened. She came out and said "these fit perfectly! How can I thank you!" I was sweating and blushing a little from what the amazing view I just saw. And I replied with a little crack in my voice "oh it's no problem!" She hugged me and I blushed more by her hug. After she letted go she said "ummm Mr. Jesse?" I replied " yeah?" She asked me "can-can I call you...? M-Master?" I said in a normal voice "well of course you can call me whatever you want!" She was happy when I said that I could see her tail waging left and right. But then she asked me something I thought she wouldn't know by now... she said while blushing "Master? Why do you have so many favorites of fat girl movies in your Netflix account?" I went into super shocked when she founded out but I thought it was not on my account! I said "wha-what! Oh well... *sighs* can I tell you something... Demones..." I said while blushing hugely she replied "y-yeah?"
I... I had a thing... for girls who were on the... well how do I put this? O-On the "cubby" side... and if you founded out I was going to worry you... would hate me..." I said it with sadness in my eyes... she replied in shock "So that's why you have so many of those movies in your favorites! Cause you like!- " I cut her off with a "yes that's why" After she heard me with a sad tone she walked up to and said "well master... if you like those kinda of things I.... I promise I will try to get fat for you... each day at a time."
After hearing this I looked at her and she had a happy look in her face and she was blushing hugely like me. And I said "wait... Really?" And she replied "Well... anything for my master! If it makes him happy! As long as I am happy too!" That's when she started to tear up a little seeing she had a sad look in her face worry that I would hate a invention that I would throw away in matter of minutes. But I lifted her chin up and said to her "Demones would I ever throw away a great full and beautiful thing like you? You mean the world to me..." after saying that I could see her face gone completely red lites up and see her give a cute smile. She replied "this is gonna take a while for me to get big for you huh?" I laughed and said "yeah sure is!"

-End of chapter three-

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