I Love You

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  • Dedicated to all my readers :-)

Ash pov

Ash handed Mary-Ann back to Rhonda, she was still sleepy from the ride over. Jason would be there soon to pick them up. He hadn't been able to keep her earlier so Ash had volunteered while Rhonda came with his parents. He had to stay behind and tend to one of his employees who had been run over by a wayward bull. He wasn't seriously hurt, just a couple of scrapes and bruises. Yet he still needed to get him checked out for any other injuries they couldn't see.

It had been just a few weeks ago that Luke Hunter had called him on a very promising business proposal. Today they were only finishing going over the contract and signing papers. It was Luke who had suggested they should sign over lunch, which was fine with him. It wasn't what he was used to, he always signed at the ranch or at the office in the city.

Then his parents showed up early that week. He was sure Carlos had something to do with their surprise visit. He had been mad at him since then and hadn't had a chance to confront him. Then his mother had made him apologize to all of the men for his behavior. That was one thing he never imagined ever having to do. To be scolded by his mother in front of all of his workers like a young child and apologize to them while she stood watch.

He was sure they were still sticking around just to make sure he didn't go and take it out on them again. Yet he was glad for the company of his parents, it had been a long while since he had last seen them. The house felt more cheerful with them around the house too, with more people occupying it.

He lead Rhonda back to their table and pulled out her chair so she could sit before turning to greet Luke.

"Sorry for the delay."

He reached to shake his hand but his eyes landed on Kiera. He couldn't believe she was there.

"Not to worry Ashton. I hope you don't mind me bringing Kiera along. I'm used to bringing my daughter Karla along but she is away at the moment."

Ash blinked, making sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Of course not. Kiera."

He reached out to take her hand, bringing it up to place a kiss on it. She looked as radiant as ever, yet something was different. Was it just because he hadn't seen her in so long? He took his seat next to Rhonda and his father, sitting across from Kiera.

"How is Jeff doing darling?" His mother asked.

He drew his eyes away from Kiera, "Good, nothing but a few bruises."

"Thank goodness."

He glanced back towards Kiera, giving her a small smile. She glanced tentatively at him before looking down at her plate again, he wondered what was wrong with her. The waitress came by to serve drinks and the meal, the special of the house.

The meal passed over small talk, mostly his mother talking about their trips. He tried to catch Kiera's eye from time to time, wondering how she was. She stayed quite throughout the meal, only nodding when needing to yet avoiding looking at him altogether. He missed her.

He wanted to talk to her privately, maybe even invite her and her father to the ranch. She seemed to feel his eyes on her because she seemed to shift uncomfortably every once in a while. Rhonda straightened in her seat and Ash turned to see Jason make his way over. Ash stood to greet him, he liked the guy, he took good care of Mary-Ann and Rhonda.


"Ash, thanks for watching over them."

"No problem."

Rhonda excused herself from the table and made her way to Jason's side, giving him a kiss. Mary-Ann smiled as she reached for him, Jason had formed a great bond with her from the start. He was great with kids and clearly loved both the child and her mother. Rhonda bid her farewells to everyone as she and Jason left the restaurant. Ash turned back to the table and caught Kiera looking at him with a puzzled expression. He grinned as she quickly turned away when their eyes met.

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