Give Us A Chance

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Ash pov

Ash was confused. He came in search of Kiera, to ask her to come with him, and he found her in another man's arms. Then when she finally turned to see him, her face was tear streaked. She had been crying. Ash looked at the guy who stood before him, wondering if he was the cause of this. He hadn't seen him around and he didn't like him touching her.

She looked between them, a look of confusion and sadness crossed her face. She seemed to struggle with something, yet it was difficult to tell what she was thinking.

"I'm sorry....."

Tension fell between them, surrounding them. Dread filled him as she flicked a final glance towards the other guy. Her eyes land on him.

"I'm sorry Ash."

Tears fall from her red rimmed eyes as she says it. He doesn't understand her, what was going on and who was this guy.

"What's goin' on Kiera, who is this guy?"

"I'm her fiance." He says.

Ash frowned and glanced back down at Kiera. Her eyes were on the other guy, yet she doesn't deny it. Then it hits him, Aaron. This was the guy Karla had been talking about. Yet she had said they hadn't worked out. And here he was and she hadn't said anything to contradict him. Instead she had to Him, she was sorry. He dropped his hands from her side and stepped back. His jaw clenched, he couldn't believe this was happening again.

"Look Ash, I'm sorry but.."

"Don't." He said coldly, his blood rushing loudly in his ears.

Aaron stepped up behind her and put his hands around her waist, drawing her against him.

"Baby, don't worry about him. You're better off without him." His eyes glaring at Ash.

Ash turned, not wanting to stay there any longer.

"He can't protect you like I can. What's he going to do? Pull out his pocketknife."

Ash stilled, his mind racing, before he started walking again. He pulled out his cell as soon as he reached the cabins, quickly dialling a number. On the third ring the phone was answered.


"Carlos, I need you to send someone over to the Campton Farm to pick up the trailer."

"Yes sir. Are you returning early boss?"

"I've got other business to attend to before I can. I don't know how long I'll be away but call if anything comes up."

He flipped the phone closed before reopening it and dialling another number.

"Wow man, you're getting lazy on me. What you can't come find me?"

"I'm leaving Axel."

"Wait, what?"

"Rhonda's at the hospital and she needs someone there. Your girl's taken care of so I'm off. Sorry but I can't stay."

"That's fine Ash. Are you okay man, did something happen?"

"I'm fine. I'm just letting you know I'm gone."

"Alright, well safe drivin' Ash."

Ash walked in his room and grabbed his luggage bag. Quickly tossing in his things and leaving, not wanting to linger in the place anymore. The more distance he put between him and this place the better. He couldn't believe she would have been one of those woman who could play with someones emotions. To leave one man for another in an instant but that comes to show that you never know a person.

Ash climbed into his truck, tossing the bag in the back of the cab. He waved at a few of the guests as he pulled out of the farm. He flipped on the radio, trying to fill the silence of the cab with noise. He couldn't linger on the why's or what if's. He needed to get to the hospital and make use of himself with someone who actually needed him. He wanted to get rid of his thoughts about Kiera.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kiera pov

She couldn't think, couldn't breath. Her world was crumbling down before her. She needed space from this place, space to think. She felt alone, yet suffocated here with his presence. Aaron still held her in his arms, trying to comfort her. Her tears couldn't stop falling since Ash left. He took her heart with him and she didn't know if she did the right thing.

Yet the only way she could have left him was by staying silent. If she had spoken up, she would have gone back to him. She had invested too much of herself in him and she couldn't afford to give more without falling to pieces. Yet something at the back of her mind kept nagging her, could she have been wrong?

The look on his face when he saw her crying was that of concern, sincere concern for her. Then the utter look of betrayal and the coldness of his voice ripped through her. The thought that she had hurt him deeply was more than she could handle. She had felt at ease with Ash and now that he was gone, it felt like someone had doused the warmth of her heart with iced water.

Being with Aaron, she didn't feel the same. She knew she didn't want anything to do with him. If she hadn't said anything to Ash it was because it would be a sure way to rid herself of both men. She stifled her sobs, trying to calm herself. She needed to stay focused on what needed to be done next. She pulled back from Aaron, forcing herself to look into his eyes.

"Thank you for your compassion Aaron, but I'm sorry. I can't return into your life."

"Kiera, please. Just give us a chance."

"I'm sorry but my answer is no. There will never be anything between us anymore."

"Kiera, we work great together. I'll change if you want me to. We can be happy together."

"No Aaron. You broke my trust long ago."

She took a deep breath, she needed to get this off her chest once and for all.

"I know about you and Karla."

His face paled and he struggled to swallow. Opening his mouth to say something but words failed him.

"Kiera, I...I...."

"Don't try to explain it," she said holding her hand up.

"I came to the party after all. I looked for you everywhere but couldn't find you. Out of sheer luck I went upstairs and towards the bedrooms. I heard both of your voices coming from the bedroom. Both of you were rambling about if something between right from wrong. It wasn't until I got to the door that I finally figured out what you two were talking about.

"I saw her in your arms. I wanted to give you the benefit of doubt but you actually took it a step further. You actually slept with her. I can't trust you and probably never will. I'm sorry but my heart doesn't belong to you anymore."

'It belongs to Ash' she thought.

With that she turned and left. She hated to leave early from the reunion and it was a first for her, but she couldn't stay. She didn't want to explain herself to anyone and she didn't feel like socializing for the next two days. She would have to talk to her father before leaving but that was about all she could manage. Her heart was heavy and she needed to get away from everything before she broke down again.

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