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Although we all talk about the Moon, think about the Moon, look up at the Moon, the Moon still remains a mystery to us, it has been this way for aeons, and will be for aeons to come. Because of the mystery, the Moon holds a fascination for everyone, and who can help being riveted by the beauty of a full Moon and what the Moon can reveal. The light of the Moon seems to contain a magic all its own, yet something that we all wish to share in, the allure of the Moon has a place in our hearts, as it did in the hearts of our ancestors. The Moon has connotations for many religions, and the word Moon comes from the Greek word meaning "measure", there are many Christian celebrations with a connection to the Moon on specific dates. The ancient Egyptians discovered that although the Moon shape shifted with precision regularly, it did not provide an accurate measure of the seasons, and there was a miscalculation by several days.  The regularity of the Moon's ability to shape shift was a way for ancient civilizations to be able to keep time, and the cycles of the Moon were the basis of the earliest calendars. Farmers needed to know when to plant and to harvest, merchants needed to know when to expect to have crops for sale. It was also necessary to have an accurate gauge of the season to be prepared for the annual flooding of the River Nile, none of which could take place without an accurate measure of time. The next calendar designed by the Egyptians was based on solar cycles, which gave them a more accurate measure of time.

There was an early awareness of the Moon's connection to the oceans of the world and the cycles of nature, the Moon affects the creatures of the sea, many of which mate and spawn during particular cycles of the tides. Some fish are easier to catch during the full Moon, birds and animals are all affected during the phase of the full Moon, animals are more active at this time.
••But why is the moon so important to witches?••
Chopsticks, crystals and all instruments involved in strong psychic practices must be thoroughly cleaned before and after a spell is cast. A good witch is in tune with her instruments, keeps them charged and free from negative energies. Use the techniques and traditions of your practice to purify your tools. Each tradition has different techniques for this task, but in general, many witches use the energy of the moon to load and purify the sticks, leaving the stones under moonlight all night to absorb them.

It is important to know that moon has different phases...

~New Moon: This is the crescent Moon when see the first peak of light, this is a time of newness, the beginning of relationships, the beginning of a new venture, the energy of this phase promotes new beginnings on any level. This is the time for change and for being open to, and looking for new opportunities, tilling the soil and planting seeds actually, and the seeds of ideas.
~Waxing Moon: The Moon is beginning to gain strength as it grows in size, and goes from a new to a full Moon, this is a perfect time for growth and increasing things, growth within a relationship, financial growth, a time for learning and gaining knowledge. If someone is thinking about pregnancy, this is a time of fertility, and it is an exceptional time for communication, in a business matter, or within a relationship. This is also an auspicious time for any legal matters, especially those where finances are concerned, if a healing spell, or healing of any type is needed, this is the time.
~Waxing Gibbous: During the phase of the Gibbous Waxing Moon anything to do with increase is compatible; this is a good time for minor magic as the lunar energy is waning.
~Full Moon: The full Moon is the most powerful phase, this is when the Moon is seen in its glorious fullness, this is a time of enlightenment and heightened psychic awareness. It is a time when everything comes together, it is a time of ideas, also a time of commitment, to a person, idea or project. It is also a time of family, and or friends coming together, any spell is well aspected during this phase of the Moon.
~Waning Gibbous: The Waning Gibbous Moon  is suitable for rituals associated with letting go, and banishing,  if it is time to clear out the old and prepare for the new, this is the Moon phase to spell craft with.
~Waning Moon: As the Moon decreases in size, it goes from full to dark, and this is a time of letting go, it is also a time of completion. If you have been wanting to change something in your life, this is the perfect time. It is also a time of ending anything that doesn't work in your life, this may be a habit, a relationship, or paying attention to issues  associated with legal matters, this is a time to pay attention to anything that you have been procrastinating about.
~Dark Moon: This is a time when the Moon is not visible in the sky, this phase lasts for approximately two or three days, and if there is something in your life that is unnecessary, this is the time to release it. It is also a time of recognising what you have accomplished in your life, and a time to plan for what you want to attain in the future. If you have been in a quandary and are unsure how to progress, this is the time for you to go within and be honest with yourself about what is right for you at this point in your life. If you enjoy meditation this is a perfect time for that, if you have never meditated, there is no better time to begin.

In the next chapter we'll see something about the practice.🔜

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