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•c h a p t e r~t w o•

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c h a p t e r~t w o•

"Wakey, wakey!"

My eyes snap open, wide and alert before closing on instinct. The sun felt warm on my face, and the light shown through my lids.

"Fuck," I mumble, covering my head with the pillow. "Get out!"

"Is that how her majesty should speak? Those aren't words of a lady." Aly says disapprovingly, ripping the pillow away from me.

I groan, "Aly, please. I barely got any sleep last night!"

Aly gasps and I open one eye, a confused look on my face. Her bright green eyes glint mischievously as a smirk appears. "A certain someone?"

I shake my head, finally gathering the strength to sit up. "Or lack thereof," I yawn, placing my hand over my mouth.

We both glance over to the empty side next to me, and my heart aches just a little.

"Hey, but at least he made reservations for something right? That means he'll be able to enjoy this day with you," she sits at the foot of my bed, setting a hand on my leg. "And if he doesn't, I'm sure Desa and I can knock some sense into him." She jokes, patting my leg.

I let out a soft laugh, pushing my hair from my face. "Anyways, why'd you come in here screaming like a crazy lady?"

Her eyes light up and she stands suddenly, "Since we weren't able to do what we planned yesterday, I moved it to today!"

I groan playfully, giving in. "Fine! Get out so I can get ready!"

She claps, making her way back out. "Yes! And by the way, we're heading to Los Angeles!" She squeals before rushing out of the room.

After a quick shower to exfoliate my skin, I pin my curls up with a butterfly clip, leaving a few tendrils to hang around my face.

I pick out a black cotton button up dress, paired with white high top converse.

Minutes later, I'm walking out of the room and into the kitchen to grab a light snack. Desa and Aly are picking at the fruits on the table, in deep conversation.

"Hey babes," I greet, reaching in the fridge for a water bottle.

Desa whistles, her eyes traveling down my legs. "Damn, call the fire department because Samira is flaming that dress!"

I roll my eyes, a light chuckle leaving my lips.

"Honestly though, your curves are everything!" Aly exclaims, dragging out the 'g'.

Dru, the demon that interrupted Hades and I yesterday walks in, stopping in his place as he glances between the three of us.

I blush as his gaze drops to my legs also, before dragging up to meet my eyes. "Am I interrupting something?"

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