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•c h a p t e r~f o u r•     "Where are we going again?"

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•c h a p t e r~f o u r•

"Where are we going again?"

After we spoke about who might've been in my nightmare, Hades had a little brooding period in which he continuously snapped at whoever was on the phone, the more and more they called but with no new information.

He figured it would be better to make a late night visit at this weird unknown spot I hadn't learned of, but it must've been safe enough for him to bring me.

Or, maybe it was because I baited him into it.

Hades doesn't glance at me, instead paying attention to the road. "Do you remember when we went to the club?"

I nod, "Yeah when that creep incubi tried to take advantage?"

Then, he glances at me, his jaw clenched. "Yes." His brooding takes over for a while but I lift his hand, placing it on my thigh.

Automatically, his hateful gaze turns into lust and I roll my eyes. "You were saying?"

He sighs, "The hunter, that Ezio mentioned. It was a meeting between us. Usually, I have him there to hunt for those who didn't return on their side of the deal. But now, I'm considering having him search for those who have done deals with the Councilmen."

I raise an eyebrow, shock ringing through me. "And..and what does he do to those who don't abide by the deal?"

Hades shrugs, "It depends."

"On what?"

Hades glances at me, "On whether they value their lives for a little longer or not." He stops the car, pushing a button to turn it off. "We're here."

A shiver runs through me, and I knew it wasn't because of the cold.

Hades opens my door, helping me out gently. I grasp his hand tightly, my cold fingers wrapping around his warm ones.

"I understand how it sounds, my love. But these people, they're in need of something they just won't work hard enough for. Graveling, and wishing something else was real. Mothers that need things for their children, and other people alike." He lifts my chin, his blue eyes shining sincerely. "I've changed, because of you. I remember thinking you were a weakness, and now I realize you're my strength too."

My heart thumps inside my chest and I sigh, nodding. "I guess if it's helping some people, that's..that's okay."

He wraps an arm around my shoulder, before leading us away from the car.

We walk into a restaurant-club thing, that was designed elegantly..but not too much as to not catch anyone's attention. The exterior was dark, and mysterious. Which some wouldn't even try to approach for a good time.

The man in front nods with respect at Hades, and we walk by the hostess to another secluded area.

I glance around, my eyes falling on a figure that was sitting in the corner of a booth, a drink in hand.

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