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Collecting em like monopoly, like property

Jonah's POV

I was walking through the streets of shady side on my way to the spoon earlier this morning my phone was buzzing with messages from the GHC group chat Buffy, Cyrus and Andi all have some kind of news as I was walking I felt happy for once things where going pretty well I was almost dancing as I walked down the street listening to music.

"I been on the road where you been, been protective with my soul where you been"

Monopoly best described how I felt where I'm at in my life

"Bad vibes get off of me outta here with that-"

My phone for probably the 100th time today vibrated with a text from Cyrus


Jonah hurry up your late 🕞

I'm sorry I shouldn't of been so forward I'm just excited

Omg are you okay??

Plz text me

Cyrus I'm on my way chill

Rly you of all ppl telling me to chill?

Oof ur right almost there now

I put pressed play and put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking

"I like women and men yuh"

Despite the fact I was alone I still turned red at that line even that part was true. I realised I was bi when I developed a crush on Cyrus since he was there for me while trying out for the ultimate elite team but was so terrified and confused I just tried to forget by accepting Andi's braclet thankfully where not together anymore. Even though Cyrus is gay and we all love him I'm still fearful about coming out I think keeping it to myself is what's best. I reached the spoon and opened the door and saw Andi Cyrus and Buffy sitting at a booth I sat down next to Cyrus and flashed a signature smile

"Hey guys how is everyone?"

They all where beaming and glowing whatever they need to say it must be good news

"Where all great JB but I'm expecting someone so if you don't mind..."

"No worries Cy-guy"

I stood up and slid in next to Buffy then she made that burn sound effect with her mouth and turned to me

"sorry Jonah I'm kinda saving this seat too"

"O-oh okay I'll just sit opposite Andi and leave a space for whoever Cyrus is expecting"

Suddenly Amber came in and took the space I was about to sit

"Oh sorry Jonah I'm on break and I wanted to talk to Andi"

"Fine it's alright the more people we have where gonna need a bigger table haha"

I pulled up a chair and sat at the end.

"So good hair crew what's your news?"

Cyrus perked up with a big smile and insisted on going first

"Well actually at Andi's party I spoke to Tj and him and Kira are no more"

"Oh that's great cy"

"And it gets better Tj and I held hands and I think he wants to ask me to be his boyfriend"

Cyrus squealed he seemed so happy it almost made me jelouse he could be himself I was too scared

"Yes see I told you it wouldn't last between them in other news me and Marty kissed at the party so that probably makes us official" Buffy said as her smile grew bigger

"Aw Buffy that's great and my news is that I am pansexual I hope that okay" she asked nervously 

"Of course it is Andiman congrats" seriously these guys are braver that I am

"Wow that's all great guys and as a matter a fact I'm lesbian" Amber said

Cyrus and Buffy started clapping I sat there thinking about my life choices may be I should just come out

"Andi, Amber we love you this is great we are all in perfect balance" Cyrus beamed

"That's important to You?" Buffy said

"Yes well unless Jonah or you have anything you want to tell us do you guys?"

"Haha Cyrus and no right Jonah" Buffy turned to me and so did everyone else

"W-what no" dang it I guess Im locked in the closet

They seemed to accept my half hearted answer but just as Cyrus was about to ask me again Tj and Marty walked in and saved me from interrogation

"I've had 3 classes with you and you still don't know who I am"

"Sorry Mr. The party"

"stop calling me that only Buffy can call me that"

We all laughed and Tj took a seat next to Cyrus and held his hand Marty put his arm around Buffy and Andi and Amber flirted with each other they were practically on a date.

they all got wrapped in there own conversations I sat quietly on my phone listening to music once Ambers break was over we all decided to leave Tj was practically smitten

"Let's all do this again I had a lot of fun hanging with you guys and muffin" Tj said staring at Cyrus with heart eyes

"Yeah we totally should"

I said that and plastered on a smile I honestly shuddered at the very thought don't get me wrong I love having there company but I felt like everybody's third wheel I mean Cyrus barley said two sentences to me and he's my best friend but he's very happy plus he put up with all my relationships it's only fair.

*spongebob voice*
1 hour later

I walked all the way to the park not really knowing what to do with myself Tj and Cyrus went off with Marty and Buffy to Cyrus's house not wanting to feel like a third wheel again I didn't go Andi decided to keep Amber company so I was pretty much alone I stopped at the bridge and just looked over at the lake in front of me pretty much thinking about life until I saw something no someone... familer someone I haven't seen in a while.


Phew chapter one finished wow things moved really slow but trust me shit about to get intense tell me what u think?

Love Lj xx

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