•Be alright•

282 15 42

Cause the hard times are golden cause they gonna lead to better days

We're gonna be alright

Walker's POV

"Have you seen Cyrus?"

I was sitting in the spoon on my phone when Tj walked in looking worried I instantly put my phone down being attentive to listen.

"No not since the open mic night sorry"

"Have you seen Jonah?" He quizzed

"Not for a few days but what's that got to do with-" I was cut off by Tj

"I think there hanging out together doing something but I don't know what" he said concerned

"What's so bad about that? they are best friends"

"Cyrus won't tell me anything did Jonah say anything to you?" I wanted to protest. Reassure Tj that it was all fine but I couldn't think of anything.

"No and come to think of it he has been disappearing off to... well I don't know where" we both exchanged nervous looks after everything Jonah wouldn't cheat on me... would he?

"Lets get the bottom of this" Tj grabbed my wrist pulling me out the spoon.

"Where are we going?" I said he released my wrist and I quickly walked along side him

"Too Cyrus's house the last time I went over Jonah was just leaving so they might be there again"

We quickly rushed over to the house it was a really pretty Cyrus's parents must make good money. Tj knocked and we were greeted by Leslie Cyrus's mother.

"Oh hello Tj and..."

"Walker a new friend of Cyrus" I finished her sentence we shook hands

"Nice to meet you he's upstairs with Jonah" she ushered us in.

So he was here! Why wouldn't he just tell me that? Why wouldn't Cyrus tell  Tj that? my mind was racing with questions the two of us hurried up the stairs turning the corner Tj and I saw the two of them we managed to keep hidden watching our significant others. They exchanged a few words then shared a hug. Nothing too weird but that's when we made an appearance.

"Hope we're not interrupting" Tj blurted out the two boys jumped apart in shock.

I...um...we can explain-" my boyfriend started but Cyrus took over

"We weren't doing anything I swear this was all Jonah" Cyrus said in panic

"Gee thanks" Jonah whispers shooting him a glare "and he's just making it sound worse than it actually is it's honestly not so bad" he reassured

"If it isn't that bad you would of told me" I said starting to feel slightly betrayed. Jonah hung his head in defeat Cyrus looked to him

"You have to tell him Jonah it'll be okay" he patted his shoulder then
lead Tj  to his room so we could talk.

"Go on then what is it?" He took a few deep breaths then started talking.

"I'm seeing Cyrus's dad he's a therapist he helped me through my first panic attack I figured it would be good for me and Cyrus has been sitting through the sessions with me I swore him to secrecy" he confessed

"So you've been seeing his dad for you're panic attacks?"

"Yes and commitment slash trust  issues, the hell my parents and I went through a month ago now and a lot  more emotional stuff that I don't talk about much I'm supposed to be opening up" he said his voice getting tired

"Wait rewind what happened to you and your parents?" I said concerned

"We went bankrupt lost our house it was one of the roughest periods in my life and that's saying something. I'm sorry I didn't say anything are you m-mad at me?" He swallowed a lump in his throat I took his hands in mine

"I'm not mad at you Jo just a little hurt you didn't tell me sooner I would of sat through it with you I wanna be the one to hold your hand in that room" I spoke softly

"I'm sorry still working on this opening up stuff" I saw tears welling up in his emerald eyes "you're just the best relationship I've ever had I'd hate myself if I ruined it by scaring you off or something" his voice cracked I quietly hushed him.

"Its fine I understand you have a long way to go and that's okay but you'll have better days" he smiled softly

"I know it's all new to me it's scary I'm gonna get put on medication soon"

I squeezed his hand tighter with every word his knuckles started turning white I began to loosen a little pulling him into a hug.

"You are so brave Jonah I'll always be here for you it'll be alright" he pulled away to plant a soft chaste kiss on my lips shorter than I'd like but still sweet.

"I love you thanks for understanding" I threaded my fingers through his

"I love you too"

Jonah x therapy

This chapter was way too short but that's life I guess i have exams all of next week and I'm really sad about it 🤙🏼thanks for reading

Love lj xx

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