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Have you heard of lgbtq+ Well I am the B

Jonah POV

I sat in the red rooster tense and nervous well that was an understatement I was on the verge of a panic attack probably as bad as the one I had at the Shiva maybe even worse.

It's not the coming out I'm worried about well that dose scare me a little but it's the telling Cyrus about my crush on Walker what if he tells the girls or maybe even Tj might let it slip I was terrified I couldn't stop my hands from shaking but all I could do was sit there and wait.

Suddenly Cyrus and Tj walk in laughing about something they sat on the couch opposite me and it dosnet take Cyrus long to figure out that something's wrong with me but Tj starts the conversation

"Hey Jonah you wanted to see us?"

"Yeah what was so urgent are you okay?" Cyrus looked at me with concerned eyes

"W-well no there's something I really have to talk to you guys about and your the only people I think will understand" my whole body began to shake I couldn't make eye contact with either of them.

"Well what is it were wating"

"In you're own time Jonah"

I just sat there I could hardly find the words it just died on my tounge

"Okay um the first thing I should tell you is that I think...no I know I um like boys" Cyrus was shocked and Tj sat there looking like the blinking meme

"So um what are you?" Cyrus said finally speaking up

"Bisexual I've known for a while now"

"I thought you were already out"Tj said which completely surprised me

"How did you..."

"Honestly some of the looks you gave Cyrus gave it away"

Cyrus looked at me with wide eyes and I immediately turned red from embarrassment

"Anyways um there more to it I-i-i have a crush... on a boy"

"Ooo tea" Tj perks up

"You have a crush? On who?"


My breaths got faster and more laboured I kept going back and fourth between the idea of telling them and not telling them my head was spinning.

"Jonah take a deep breath it's okay you don't have to say we can do a quick process of elimination" Cyrus puts his hand on mine to stop the shaking

"Firstly it isn't one of us right?" Tj asked with caution


"Is it Marty?"

"He's kinda cute but no"

"Do we know him at all?"

"Cyrus Does Tj dosent and the girls know him to"

"Ugh there's someone in my mind but I can't think ugh who is it" Cyrus was getting frustrated

I was on the verge of cracking and just shouting it that's all I wanted to do I couldn't hardly even hold back the tears in my eyes

"It's Walker okay I like Walker a lot"

Cyrus was shocked Tj flinched a little from my sudden outburst I just sat there and put my face in my hands I didn't want them to see me cry.

it's over Cyrus is gonna tell the girls and they'll be angry and you'll lose your only friends. Your so stupid you always mess everything up an-

"Jonah please look at us" Cyrus said gently

I faced them with my read streaked face and puffy red eyes They both stand up I also stood with them Cyrus didn't hesatite to hug me tight. I let a sob escape my lips and he squeezed me tighter

"Shhh it's alright JB I'm so so proud of you thanks for telling us"

"Yeah we've been there we know how scared you are" Cyrus pulled away and Tj gave me hug as well

"Yeah I am scared but the thing is ya know Walker he's um pansexual"

"WHAT?!? Jonah what are you wating for ask him out" Cyrus said really excited

"I-i can't I didn't tell Andi how I feel but she said it would be weird if I went out with Walker but apparently it dosent matter because 'I don't even like guys' I don't wanna hurt her feelings and you saw what happened when Walker and Buffy where together it's probably for the best"

"Well I don't know who Walker is but who cares about Andi just go for it you like him and I bet he'd be willing to try going out with you" Tj reassured me

"Ya know what I will try thanks you guys" I smiled and I felt my phone buzz


Can you meet me in the park??

Sure be there in 5

"Oh looks like love is in the air" Cyrus smiled widely

"Haha well I'm gonna go wish me luck"

"Good luck man I know he'll say yes" Tj pat my shoulder

I headed out the red rooster to the park as fast as I could I was excited and nervous at the same time I couldn't wait to ask him I saw him and some guy was sitting next to him I didn't think much of it and just went up to him

"Hey Walker"

"Oh hey Jonah this is Liam, Liam this is Jonah"

"Hey nice to meet you" he looked at me with this fake smile

"I need to tell you something" we both said in unison we laughed

"You go first" I said

"Well Liam and I are a couple"

I felt my heart drop I watched there hands intertwine and Liam gave me a glare I felt hatred and sadness welling up inside me

"So what was your news"

"O-oh it's not important I'm gonna go"


"Yeah I-I'll see you some other time"

Liam looked at me with this patronizing smile put his hand on my shoulder and whispered

"For your sake I wouldn't see him ever "

I could look at him with shock as the colour drained from my face

"It was so nice to meet you well let's go Walker" Liam practically dragged him away

As I turned and walked away I felt numb I didn't even realise the tears falling down my face but I didn't wanna give up Liam wasn't a nice person but at the same time I wanted to go home and lay under my covers for ever I could only think one thing

I knew he couldn't love me the way I love him.

Y'all probably hate me right now but trust me your about to hate me even more ♡

Love lj xx

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