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You've got stars stars in your eyes let's paint the sky

Walkers POV

I slowly raised my head from the couch I looked at the clock it was 9:35 am I slept through the night wow well I was pretty much emotionally drained my mom has probably gone to work by now and... oh no Jonah I'll have to give him call maybe he can keep me company. I headed upstairs to find the clothes I packed neatly folded and my phone with 100% battery my mom probably did all this. I walked down stairs and I suddenly heard light snores from the kitchen I walked to find Jonah sitting on a stool slumped over the kitchen counter he was an adorable sleeper I found some waffles like the ones I used to love as a kid and my mom left a note next to the plate

Hey baby
I hope you feel a little better sorry I had to work Jonah will look after you

Love you,
Mommy xxx

I felt awful Jonah didn't have to do any of that he looked like he didn't sleep half the night I silently made some coffee and ate the waffles they were really good I made Jonah some coffee too he looked he needed it I gently woke him up with a kiss on his head I petted his hair until he opened his eyes

"Mmm... hey morning"

He easily has the cutest morning voice I've ever heard

"Hey cutie good morning and thank you for everything you did"

"No problem" Jonah smiled "sorry I'm not much of a morning person" he yawned and I slid the coffee in his direction and his eyes widened

"Ugh thanks this is exactly what I needed" Jonah downed it and seemed to become more awake in a few minutes he took the cup and washed while I sat and watched him

"How are you feeling?" He said as he dried his hands

"Well... I don't feel much just numb like I don't know what to feel anger, hatred, sadness I don't know what to do"

"Oof someone needs the rage cage" I looked up at him with a confused face

"Okay Andi told me about it and now everytime one of us is angry that's what we say"

"I don't think I'm that angry so much just... well ugh it's complicated" I leaned my head on the kitchen counter he rubbed calming circles on my back

"It'll be okay I understand how you feel"

"You do? H-how" I looked at him with concerned eyes Is their something up with him? I mean I know about his panic attacks but was there something else?

"Oh- um... No reason well it's not important" he avoided my eyes he's clearly keeping something but what??

I walked over next to him and kissed his neck he shivered slightly his face turned pink as he faced me I pecked his nose

"You know if you wanted to tell me anything I'll listen" he looked doubtful I saw fear in his eyes

"T-there's an open Mic night tonight I'm sort of a regular there it's at the red rooster it would be awesome if you could come watch"

"I wouldn't miss it" he put his hand on the back of my head to bring me closer to him I felt his lips on mine I kissed back and ran my hands through his hair and up and down his back as we deepened the kiss there was a fight for dominance I pushed onto a stool and he finally gave in but Jonah's phone went off and he turned away to answer

"Its my mom she wants me home but I don't wanna leave you"

"No go I'll be okay and I'll see you at your open mic night" I kissed his forehead "I love you I know yesterday you probably said to make me feel better but I meant it and-"

"I love you too trust me I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it"

Jonah's POV

I went home soon after I was close to telling Walker what my family went through over a month ago but he's going through a lot it would be self centred besides that wasn't the only thing I was trying to hide. I keep a lot of things from people it's turning into a bad habit. I ran upstairs to change and as I headed back down I saw my dad come in wearing the same clothes as yesterday

"Er... hey dad" he plastered on a smile "hey kid how are You?"

"Im wondering how you are actually did you work through the night again"

"Yeah but i-its okay keeps a roof over our head just about and keeps us fed to"

"Dad be honest I'm not a kid you don't have to protect me after the past few months I don't think I'm scared of much anymore" Okay that's fucking lie I still have plenty to be scared of I'm just trying to reassure him

"Oh Jonah I'm sorry about a kid your age shouldn't have to worry about these things. Believe me it's fine I'm just tired I work very hard and the job is really good believe me... When was the last time you spoke to your friend?"

He's right with everything going on I should go get somethings off my chest

"Yeah um I should go see him I'll see you later" he came over and hugged me

"Okay I-I'm proud of you after everything you went through especially after going through months of it alone" I simply nodded I didn't wanna cry either my dad's stressed out enough. I went out the door I think I could fit in a few hours before tonight.

Open mic night

I clutched my guitar nervously backstage as Bowie got up to introduce me

"And our last singer off the night an open mic night regular singing a brand a song it's Jonah Beck"

I smiled and walked on stage and sat down I saw the good hair crew Tj and Walker I instantly relaxed

"Hey I'm happy to be performing again and a lot went into this song I hope you like it" I started playing and got lost in the words

You've been on this road too long
Hearing music but it's not your song
Wanna scream but your voice is gone
Days trapped inside your head

Can't look up cause your world is down
Walking miles staring at the ground
All alone inside the crowd
Letting pockets hold your hand

But the sun is always there to shine

The clouds block out the sky
Oh hold on
Just once more day

Oh hold on
You know you'll found a way

Hold on

You've got stars in your eyes
So lets paint the sky
Oh hold on

Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on

You've got stars in your eyes
So lets paint the sky

My friends seemed to love it well they always do unless Andi thinks it's about her again. But Walkers opinion mattered most. I set my guitar down and went to my friends receiving hugs and high fives Walker came to smiling really big

"Was that the song?"

"Yeah what do you think?"

"Has anyone ever to you your the best boyfriend ever?"

"No" we all looked at Andi

"What he wasn't exactly an angel 24/7" Andi crossed her arms as well all began to head put Walker put an arm around and kissed my head

I love him.

And I love you guys sorry it took so long to upload this and all but here I guess

Love lj xx

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