•The way•

395 19 22

Oh, it's so crazy you get my heart jumping when you put your lips on mine

Jonah's POV

I had Walker come over to my house the next day I wanted my mom to meet him. I was already out to her so I didn't see why not. There was a knock on my door and I ran over to the door and he was there

"Hey Walker come in"

"Thanks nice place...So your mom?"

"Ah about her I should probably warn you"

"Hey hon is this Walker?"

"Yeah Walker this is my mom and yeah I know Judy Bartholomew"

"Um okay nice to meet you"

They shook hands I was surprised he hasn't heard of her

"You don't know who she is?"

"Well we just met jay am I supposed to?"

"No no it's cool" he put an arm around me

"Awe well I'll be in the living room" my mom went out.

"That went well" I turned to face him and it looked like he was leaning in I closed my eyes and leaned in to

"Oh and" we jumped apart as my mom poked her head round to door "be back at 5"

"Yeah yeah okay thanks mom" I said annoyed she winked at me

"Wanna go to the park?" he asked laced our fingers together and nodded.

Walkers POV

Me and Jonah made it to the park after I met his mom I leaned in to steal a kiss but he's mom interrupted but we won't get interrupted here I hope we took a seat on the bench.

"So that was really something back there huh?"

"Yeah well nearly but now it's just you and me" Jonah said with a smirk

"hmm okay"

We leaned in once again I could feel his breath on my lips we were so close but

"Hey you guys!" Tj called us from the swings

"Seriously" Jonah muttered under his breath

"TJ WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Cyrus yelled back at him I think he got the idea we were about to kiss they approached us

"What I didn't do anything" Cyrus whispered in his ear

"Ohhhhh sorry guys"

"Well leave you to it" with that they went back to the swings I was laughing slightly Jonah looked pissed

"Its okay they didn't mean to"

"Yeah I know still annoying though"

"I can make it better if you'll let me" Jonah turned red and his eyes went wide

"Hey get your mind out the toilet I didn't mean it like that I mean I want us to go on a proper date"

"I'd love that but where would we go?"

"Well no where special but you know my mom is way into astronomy and horoscopes well there's a telescope at my house we could use it go star gazing"

"I'd really like that" he smiled brightly


We waited around for the sun to go down we headed to mine and grabbed the telescope then headed back to the bridge I set it up the stars where perfect I was defiantly going to sketch this later I noticed Jonah was humming a song I hadn't heard before

"The stars are beautiful" he said as he looked into telescope. He had the most adorable excited face

"Yeah I guess they are. But c'mon you easily outshine them all"

He giggled blushing lightly

"what was that song you were humming?"

"Something I've been working on it was inspired by the night we got together when you helped me through the panic attack"

"Aww that's really nice Jonah I'd love to hear it"

"I'm afraid it's not finished but as soon as it is you'll be the first to hear it"

"I can't wait what am I gonna have till then?" I grinned

"Maybe this will work"

He started to move closer my heart started racing I also got nervous wating for something to interrupt but no nothing could interrupt such a perfect moment our noses where lightly touching I took my hands out my pockets and wrapped them around his waste he held the back of neck and pulled me into a kiss I held him tight as we kissed  it was exhilarating and loving I'd never felt more at peace I knew I needed him more than anything he filled a hole my dad left years ago. He completed me. Eventually we had to stop for air we gazed in each other's eyes I could see stars refectling off his green emeralds

He's perfect

Later that night

We were aimlessly dancing through the street singing time of my life from dirty dancing only because Jonah loves the film once we reached my house and disturbed all my neighbours I unlocked the door and we went in but nothing could mentally prepare me for who I would find behind that door


Oof tea

Love lj xx

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